The "Latte Hottay"

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Paul had been going on dates with Emma for weeks. He visited her everyday during his lunch break, and they'd recently became official.

He'd been able to keep their relationship a secret from his coworkers for a while. They pestered him everyday to go to Beanies with him to get coffee. He just told them no, and that he'd get hem all coffees when he went.

Eventually they were bound to figure out that something was going on. They began to ask him about which barista he went to see everyday, but he refused to say.

On one of Paul's days off, Melissa walked up to Bill's desk.

"Hey." She spoke in a whisper.

Bill sighed. "Melissa, I need to get these to Mr. Davidson by the end of the day."

"I know, but this is important. It's about Paul."

"What about him?"

"He's seemed happier lately. Way more than usual. And it's always after he visits Beanies. Has he told you anything about that?"

He shook his head. "No."

Melissa frowned. "Huh. I figured since maybe you're his friend.."

"To be honest, I've been dying to know what's been going on too, but he hasn't said a word."

"What if we came up with a plan—"

"What plan?" They jumped as Ted popped up from behind the walls of Bill's cubicle. "I want to join this so called "plan.'"

"Ted—" Melissa started angrily.

"What are you all talking about?" Charlotte stood against the wall behind her, a phone in her hand. She must've finished talking to her husband, Sam.

"Fine, if you all want to know. Bill and I were going to make a plan to find out what's going on with Paul."

Ted scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? He goes there everyday to see the latte hottay. Maybe he's dating her."

Melissa shook her head. "That's rude, Ted. And besides, we don't even know which barista you're talking about when you say that."

"Oh c'mon! It's the one with reddish brown hair! She kind of looks like you, Melissa. Except, you know, hotter." Melissa rolled her eyes, ignoring Ted's last comment.

"I think I know who that is! I'm pretty sure you're talking about Zoey." Charlotte said.

"I've talked to that girl. I don't think she's Paul's type. She's really annoying. Also, she's pretty young. Only in her twenties, I think." Bill said.

"What if during our lunch break tomorrow, all of us go with Paul to Beanies. If he tries to get us to stay here, we'll go anyways." Melissa suggested. The rest of them agreed and spent the rest of the time talking about who Paul could be going out with.

"I never thought Paul would find anyone. I always thought he would be single until he died." Ted remarked. Bill raised his eyebrows. "But Paul's happy, isn't he?"

"Was he not before?" Charlotte asked.

They sat in silence after that question, wondering what they hadn't noticed about Paul before.


Paul set the stack of papers down on Mr. Davidson's desk.

"Here's the reports for today."

Mr. Davidson moved his phone away from his ear. "Paul, can you stay and listen to this?" He shook his head. "I don't want to hear you talk to your wife again, Mr. Davidson. I'm going to head out to Beanies for my lunch break."

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