Animal Crossing

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This next oneshot is a suggestion from
SierriaLeSmosh, who requested Ethan x Lex fluff! Thank you so much for the request!
(Also, in this oneshot, Lex and Ethan are graduated and living in California with Hannah.)

"Lex~" Ethan strode into the living room to find Lex absorbed into playing Animal Crossing.

"What is it, Ethan?"

He reached over from behind the couch and kissed her cheek, causing her to turn around.

"Oh, c'mon!" Her voice portrayed anger, but her scarlet face said otherwise. She paused the game. She cleared her throat.

"How was dropping off Hannah?" Ethan had returned from taking Hannah to her friend's house for the first time. "It went well, actually. The kid's parents were nice. Confused Hannah's 'mom' wasn't dropping her off, but otherwise it was fine."

Lex sighed. "It's going to be like that for a while. Or, at least until Hannah's old enough to drive herself."

He sat down next to her on the couch. "You know, we can go out to eat or something. Since Hannah's gone."

"Ethan. You know we shouldn't be spending a lot of money right now."

He glanced towards the tv. "That new switch says otherwise. Come on, it'll be fun!"

She shook her head. "Ethan, I don't really feel like going out tonight. Why don't we stay inside. And maybe play a little Animal Crossing?"

Ethan reaches over and picked up the second controller. "Let's do this then."


"No, Ethan, you have to— GET AWAY FROM THOSE BEES!"

"I'm going, I'm going."

Lex knew Ethan had never played Animal Crossing before. It was both a curse and a blessing at the same time.

They continued playing, Lex complaining about Tom Nook and occasionally hitting Ethan with her net while she was unaware that he was staring at her. Finally she noticed.


"You're beautiful. You know that, right?"

She could already feel her face getting red.

"Ethan, I—" He cut her off by planting a sweet kiss on her lips.

"It's amazing. Do you ever think about that? That we're here, together. In California. With Hannah, nonetheless. Out of those hellholes that we used to live in."

"I think about it sometimes."

"I think about it all the time."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him slowly and passionately, their lips moving against each other in sync. They pulled apart.

"Lex.. would you ever consider having kids someday? Having a family of our own?"

"I don't know, Ethan. I'm scared. Scared I'll let them down. Scared I'll end up like my own mother."

He brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "I promise you, neither of us will end up like our parents. We practically raised Hannah. What do you say about our own kids?"

She looked down, considering this. "Once we're more financially stable. Then we can have kids."

His face lit up. "Really? You're sure?"

She looked up and smiled. "Ethan, I wouldn't choose anyone else to be the father of my kids. I love you, and you'd be a wonderful father."

He frowned. "I think marriage should come first though, right?"

She laughed. "How did we suddenly end up planning out major life decisions? While playing Animal Crossing, of all things? Of course we would get married first. But not a huge wedding. Just us."

"Just us."

They stared into each other's eyes, taking in the moment.

Then they returned to the game, picking up their controllers again, and this time Lex was leaning against Ethan's shoulder, making commentary about the villagers on their island.

"Boon can die in a hole for all I care."

"You're really into this game, aren't you?"

She rolled her eyes. "I have a shit ton of hours put into this game. What do you think?"

He smirked. "Going to assume that's a yes."

"Oh shut up." In the game, she hit him once more with her net.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

"Because it's fun."

"Fine then." He hit her back. Soon, they were in an all out war, having their characters chase each other around the island and hit them with their nets if they could.

Ethan forfeited after about ten minutes. "Ok, ok, I give up. You win."

"Ha! Gotcha!" She hit him again. He set down his controller. "We should go to bed. It is midnight, and we need sleep."

"Fuck sleep. More Animal Crossing."

"This isn't healthy. You need to sleep."

She sat up. "You stay up watching Netflix all the time."

"Ok, that's different."


He opened his mouth to reply, then rethought his answer. "You got me there."

"More Animal Crossing it is then."

They played for the rest of the night, and Ethan found that the game was surprisingly addicting. He could see why she played it so much.

Around three in the morning, Lex has gotten tired and fell asleep on his shoulder. He looked down at her, wondering how he had gotten so lucky. He admired the way her hair fell around her face, and the way she quietly snored. Most people would probably find the snoring annoying, but he didn't mind. Not at all.

He loved her, and would protect her till the ends of the Earth.

Forever and always.

Sorry this one took so long to write, I was having a spell where I didn't have that many ideas.
A small note that I've never played Animal Crossing before (don't @ me) mainly due to the fact that I don't have a switch or a DS. I mainly based this off of videos I've seen about the game and the information I know.

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