The Start of Something New

457 15 13

This is another request from SierriaLeSmosh, who requested Paulkins fluff. Again, thank you so much for the request!

"So, Emma, I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie this weekend?" He leaned over the counter at Beanies, Emma cleaning it in front of him. She smiled, causing his stomach to do a summersault. She was about to answer when his "accomplice" cut in.

"Jesus fucking christ Paul, you're doing that when I'm right here? Get a life."

Paul sighed. "Ted, you have your coffee. You can go back without me."

Ted smirked. "No, no. I want to see how this plays out." Emma shook her head. "Can't you be as much as an asshole back at the office you guys work at?"

"I can. I want to watch this, though."

"You're sick." She returned to cleaning the counter. "Oh, and I think I have time this weekend to go to a movie with you."

Paul stood up straighter. "I can pick you up at 6. Is that good?" She looked up. "Yeah, that's good!"

"Great, now that your little 'chat' is over, let's go Paul." Ted spun around and walked out of the small coffee shop.

"I'm so sorry about him. He's a jerk."

She laughed. "Yeah, I think I got that. See you on.. Saturday?"

"Saturday it is. See you."


He stood in front of Emma's door, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. He had evaded whether or not to get them, or if they were too much for going to the movies. He got them, and now he was as anxious as ever. Finally, he gathered up enough courage to ring the doorbell.

It swung open, revealing Emma, who wore a nice black blouse and high waisted jeans. She had only a little bit of makeup on.

She was stunning.

"Hi Paul. Are these for me?"

He nodded. "Uh, yeah, they are."

He held them out and she took them gratefully. "I'll put these inside. Give me a second." She went back in, and soon she came back out.

"I'm ready."

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to walk? The theater isn't far from here and it's a beautiful night." Emma nodded. "I need exercise anyways." They started off down the street quietly, taking in the stillness of Hatchetfield at night.

It was supposed to be calming.

Paul was the complete opposite of "calm."

He opened and closed his fist in worry. Should he hold Emma's hand? Was that a thing couples did anymore?

You're not a couple, he reminded himself, and yes, you idiot, couples hold hands.

He pushed the debate in his head aside and hesitantly took her hand. She didn't pull away, but instead she looked up at him and smiled sweetly. They continued walking until they reached the theater.

They were quickly able to get their tickets and popcorn and they sat down in the dark theater, which was mostly empty.

"I have to stop." Said Emma, her mouth full of popcorn. "We can always get more if we finish it before the movie starts." He offered.

"That's sounds good. I have no doubt this will be gone by then." She shoveled more into her mouth. Paul took a small handful of the buttery popcorn himself.

Starkid/TCB Oneshots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin