Chapter 24

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Jungkook's POV

Another exhausting day of doing barely anything and feeling helpless and of no use to anyone.

When will this end?

As I pace around the house, my mind starts to blame itself for the loss of Haerin's stepmother.

Who else could have taken her other than Jason?

I start to grip my hair in frustration.

As I rethink my mistakes, my mind involuntarily reminds me of my hospitalized sister.

God knows if she'll ever wake up again.
I shiver at the thought, and feel a strong need to check up on her.

I disobey Namjoon's orders to stay home, and head to the hospital to see Shinae.

When I arrived there, I asked the nearest doctor about her whereabouts. However, none of them give me a proper answer.

All until I stumble upon the nurse that was indebted to my sister.

"Hello, could you please lead me to where Min Shinae is?" I ask with pleading eyes.

She stops for a second and scans my face, confusion visible on hers.

"Wasn't she discharged yesterday? A man came in claiming he's a family member. He had a written approval to keep the said patient at his home for recovery." The nurse said.

"Tell me you're not telling the truth." I say as I take a deep breath and look her in the eyes.

She just slowly shakes her head and steps back.

"I'm not quite sure why you're at this place right now, and if you may excuse me, there are patients out here needing my assistance. Thank you." She says as she dashes off.

Not this too now.

I find my way to the hospital bathroom, washing my face to calm myself down.

I sigh as I pull at my hair in frustration.

"This can't be. This CAN'T BE!!"

"Sir, is everything alright?" A doctor passing by asks, clearly concerned about my aggravated behavior.

It's everything but alright.

And then, a thought hit me.

"Doctor, is there a way for me to check the CCTV camera footage of the hospital rooms?" I ask him awaitingly.

"I don't think so. You wouldn't be allowed to see them." He says as he turns to wash his hands.

That's when my hand gripped my glock, which I pointed at the back of the doctor's head.


"I repeat. Is there a way?" I say, now in a deeper tone, surprising my own self with my sudden actions.

The things I'm willing to do to get my family back are sometimes scaring me.

The poor doctor raises his hands immediately, stuttering as he speaks.

Sorry hyung.

"I- I see. We could f-find a way for you to check them out if that's what you w-want, just please put the gun down."

"Keys?" I say, trailing the gun over his back.

He slowly took out a pair of keys from his left pocket.


I take the green key in my hand as my gun returns to its place.

"Thank you very much, sir."
I smirk at his direction and dash off upstairs.

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