Chapter 9

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Shinae's POV

I sat down on the chair, feeling dissapointed. Well, what did I expect? That he will actually let me join? Whatever...

I suddenly got really dizzy and felt like vomiting. Yeah, not good at all. I tried to walk, but that was purely impossible.

I took my phone and quickly called a very familiar number. I just need to let someone know that I feel like I'm about to die at any second. Haerin would be the first person who understands me.

The phone was ringing for a while until she finally picked it up.

"Hello?", Haerin asked in a sleepy voice.

However, mine was even sleepier.

"H-hi, Hae.... I.. don't feel we-lll...", was all I managed to say before darkness consumed my vision.

Haerin's POV

"Do you want me to come over soon? I have detention now, Mr.Wills let me go to the toilet just now", I said, expecting Shinae to answer.

Which she didn't.

"Hello?? Shi???", I asked in a worried voice.

Still nothing.

I hung up, feeling a bit uneasy.

Yoongi's POV

I casually opened every door leading to the classroom they kept Haerin in, Namjoon and Jungkook following me.

Red Dragon was always superior, so when walking, they went behind me, too.

I slowly opened the door that had "detention room" written on it.

Jungkook's POV

"Yes hyung, this is the room." I said, replying to my cousin's tilted head.

(Hyung - older male (only used by males)

He slowly opened the door and entered the classroom. I can't even call it a proper classroom since it only had one chair and a table. A very familiar, tall black haired man was sitting at it.


"Where is she?", Yoongi scoffed when he noticed that Haerin was nowhere to be seen.

"She went out. Why do you need her?" My teacher answered.

"You have no right to keep her for way too long in here for no reason", Yoongi said with a cold stern voice.

"I don't like your tone," the teacher stood up.

"Same goes to you", Yoongi said aggressively, yet calmly.

"Cousin, we aren't achieving anything with anger, let's just reason with him. We just have to explain why it's not her fault." I said.

"That's correct. I was there, and I saw what happened. What Melanie Wills claims is purely made up", Namjoon joins in.

"Any proof?", Mr.Wills said, clearly annoyed.

"Haerin wasn't even there. She was with us at lunch," Namjoon says calmly.

"Define us. And why was the juice found in her locker? Do you even understand how important those papers were?!?", Mr. Wills says, now getting really angered.

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