Chapter 22

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Haerin's POV

"So... back then... you mentioned I'm the closest friend to you after Shinae and Kook..." Hoseok said, smiling to himself.

"Huh? Oh, yeah well... I grew up with these kids. Every day and night, all we used to do was play silly games and joke around in the mess of a kitchen that we created. Things were so simple back then." I smiled subconsciously.

"Where are they now?" Hoseok said with interest in his voice.

"Shinae... she...she's in a coma. Jungkook, he's probably at home now doing illegal sh*t. Namjoon is in the war with Jin against some dudes."

"Jungkook? Min Jungkook?" Hoseok repeated to himself, as if he was trying to remember the name.

"He changed his surname to Jeon a longer time ago." I say.

"Why would he do that?"

"He said it didn't matter as much for me to know back then. I guess it's because he doesn't want to be associated with Yoongi." I say, taking a strange looking photo album from the table.

"Since when has this been here?" I say, confused.

My hand brushed over the old leather material piecing together the photos inside.

"I don't know either." Hoseok said, carefully eyeing the object.

I opened it carefully, petitely taking the thin pages through my hands.

My eyes wandered to a photo of Jungkook and I as kids, holding hands and walking down a street, wide smiles on both of our faces. We were probably around seven at the time.

"Here. That's him." I say, turning the album around so Hoseok could see it.

He smiled and looked at me.

"You should smile more often, you look prettier that way." He said, returning his gaze to the photo.

"I wish I had a reason to." I say, landing my hand on the photo.

"Were you two... childhood lovers?" He said as he examined a photo on which "Jungkook ♡ Haerin " was carved into a bench.

I smile profusely, closing the album.

"Something like that. He used to have a huge crush on me in seventh grade. Everybody knew except him and I, and they would always joke around about us.

It has always been a... platonic love on his side, you know, that childish one.

Around the age of twelve, he began avoiding me. Until then we were best friends. He never mentioned why.

But then again, as years passed, we returned to being really good friends."

"I see. But... um... have you ever... you know... had a crush on him?" He asks unsurely.

"I never actually thought about it. You know, he's a really outgoing person and his kindness could easily be misinterpreted. All I am to him now is a best friend and that's how it should be.

Though it's crazy I am connected to mafia leaders from every aspect of my life, even my childhood friend is apart of it. And let's not talk about Namjoon, a gang leader for heaven's sake."

"Look... there's a number written on this side." He said, averting my attention to the small numbers written in black ink on the side of the photo album.

"That's Jungkook's number." I say ambivalently.

"I think you should call him. For old times sake?" He said, holding out my phone.

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