Chapter 17

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Seokjin's POV

"Park Jimin of Red Dragon gang, what do you have in plan and be quick." I say.

"I haven't taken away their phones for a reason. The girl made a phone call while she was still alive, we could just hack into the phone and listen to the conversation, as simple as that."
Jimin smiles, taking Melanie's phone and swirling it in his hand.

"Shadow, take the phone. We're going back home to do some coding." Luna nods at my sentence.

"Yoongi." I call the shorter man.

He stops in his tracks and turns around.

"What do you want now?" He asked annoyed.

"Take care." I glance at his wounds as I leave the room, smiling.

Yoongi closes his eyes as he lets out a sigh, mumbling "this guy".

Haerin's POV

Where... where am I?

Everything around me is... white?
There's noone around...
Some kinda soft music is playing...

Am I in heaven?

Nah, that would be impossible.

Or is this what being hungover feels like?

'Cause it sucks.

"Awake yet, sleeping beauty?" A cheerful voice was heard from somewhere in the room.

"What time is it?" I ask in a groan, still missing my sleep.

"It's 8 a.m. You've been in a coma for plenty of hours, miss."

"Nice, now give me a few more." I say as I grab one more pillow.

"I'm sorry miss, orders are orders." He smiles widely.

"Ughh fine, I'm up." I say as I tiredly rub my eyes.

The guy who was in the doorframe, as I recall named Hoseok, offers his hand.

"May I escort you to breakfast?" He smiles.

"I could really get used to this..."
I whisper as I take his hand.

"By the way, I don't remember putting on these clothes..." I say as I examine what I'm wearing.

They were sleeping clothes made of pure soft silk, decorated with jewels and diamond particles.

"Oh, about that, umm...uh..." he blushes hard, "nevermind that, let's keep going, watch out for the stairs..." he trails off.

"Did you perhaps change my clothes?" I stop and ask him as I stare at him.

"What would you expect?? We don't have maids here, we are all male... except from Luna but she lives with her mother and she's only here when there's missions to do..." he basically raps out.

But I stopped listening to him halfway, because there was something more bothering to me.

"Umm... are there ghosts in this castle thingy?" I turn to him.

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