Chapter 19

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Yoongi's POV

Haerin, Jungkook, and Namjoon called me for a meeting of some sort?

"So you're telling me this Jason guy we are going after has kidnapped your "mother"?" I say, looking at the wide eyed girl infront of me.


unknowingly smile at her worried expression.

"Yes, and we need your help with that." Jungkook says, crossing his arms.

I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Since Seokjin is planning to get revenge on Jason, we need help if we want to save Haerinshi's mother."

"Why would I? Is there profit for me in all that crap?" I say, uninterested.

"Please." Haerin looked desperate and sad, there were tears visible in the corner of her eyes as she grabbed my hand.

"Fine." I said with a sigh.

"Thank you, so so much." She said, hugging me, crying tears of relief.

She knows who I am and what I do, so how isn't she scared? Why isn't she backing away in fear?
She's not dumb, so I don't know what could this be.

Jungkook stared at us silently.

"Usually whoever touches me gets murdered with no warning. So you better back off. " I say coldly.

My brain is used to rejecting any type of contact with a girl because if I do catch feelings somehow: my position, my career, my status will all come crashing down, and ruin her life aswell.

Maybe I've gotten so used to it, that I do it more than necessary?

"Geez, so cold..." she frowns at me, pushing herself away from me lightly.

"Yah! Don't you know who I am? Got no manners..." I stare daggers.

"Quit already you two." Namjoon slams the table, "And Jungkook, unclench your jaw, your teeth will break."

"Anyways, Min Yoongi, do you agree to help us and unite our armies despite the fact we just did that shit a few days ago?" Namjoon smiled.

"I certainly do." I say, smiling back and shaking his hand.

Just as I was about to sign the contract, Haerin's phone rang.

Namjoon silently pointed at the "No cellphones in the meeting room" sign and looked at Haerin in dissapointment.

"Could you please turn off your cellphone for once?" He put his head in his hands. Merely because the ringtone was extremely obnoxious.

"One second, my brother is calling." She says,  showing an apologetic smile.


As in White Dragon gang leader Kim Seokjin?

I shiver subconsciously.

"Hi. You'll pick me up? Oh, I'm at Kook's. Yeah. See yah."

She quickly presses the end call button and places the phone screen-first on the table.

"Sorry about that. I uh... have to be at his place soon... is the meeting over?"
She nervously chuckles.


"Yes Haerin, it is." Namjoon says, his head still in his hands as he sighs in expharation.

"Okay, thanks, bye." She rushes out, and Namjoon follows behind.

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