Alfonse, the playful bodyguard.

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( ATTENTION: This character's story ties into Blanche's, Noir's and Pierre's too! )

" Hmm~ What's that? You wanna get close to my Noir~? Haha~ ...Try it and we'll see what happens, bitch. " ~Alfonse

Full Name: " Aww, you're interested in little old me? That's funny. " Alfonse Alain Boucher. (Yanno, French be damned- Jk)

Age: " Oh come on, I have white hair but I ain't /that/ old! " Alfonse is 28 years old. His birthday is on the 11th of June.

Gender: " That's not a question, bud. " Male.

△Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

△Omegaverse alignment: Beta.

△Astral Sign: Gemini.

Species: Just like Pierre, Alfonse is called a 'giant' by others due to his towering height, but he is just a normal human with a tall build, sue him. 

△Nationality: French-Dutch.

Sexual preference: " Ain't you a nosy little fucker. " Alfonse had always been a wild card, hard to guess when it comes to preferences. He goes around flirting and being playful left and right, but at the end of the day, he is attracted to the same gender. Sure, he can sleep around with women here and there, but for something meaningful... He will take a man any day. Easier to deal with and cuter when they get shy~

Romantic preference: " As if I'd do romance, honey~ " Despite being a non-committal kind of person, Alfonse finds himself enjoying the company of people who can keep him with his feet on the ground. However, if the said person is also willing to be playful and wild from time to time, it's all for the better~ The bodyguard enjoys having men that are cool to hang with and who know how to put him in his place if the need for it ever arises. He also has a thing for those who get shy and blushy at his teasing, or whom he can spend a quiet evening chatting and smoking in the moonlight or something Cheesy, huh?

Appearance: Alfonse is another giant, just as tall as his best friend Pierre, standing at 6'10" with a lean and fit build, just a little less buff than the other bodyguard. Only a little. His skin is smooth and white and his hair is all wild and fluffy, colored in two tones, white in the front and black at the back. It also sports an undercut and his eyes are sharp and colored in a soft shade of lavender-grey. His lips are slightly fuller and he has a long scar going across his right cheek horizontally, passing over the bridge of his nose and a little on the left cheek too, looking as if it was made by a blade. Alfonse's back is entirely tattooed in the same manner as Pierre's, but unlike the brunet, his animal of choice were snakes that coil around each other, accompanied by flowery patterns and such. (See image below for reference, lmao I suck at explaining so bad-) For scars, Alfonse has a lot of them, just like Pierre, and those are: three bullet scars (one on his left pectoral, one on his right hip and one on his left shoulder), five knife scars (two deep ones on his left thigh, one small one on his right forearm, one on his back and one on the left side of his waist) and two stabbing scars, both on his back. Alfonse has a silver cross earring on his right ear, matching Pierre's as a sign of their deep friendship and for clothing, he usually wears a white shirt with snake scales patterns that he keeps unbuttoned all the way to the middle of his chest, a simple, black jacket that he doesn't ever close, a pair of fitted, black pants held up by a medium-sized belt and a pair of stylish, black shoes to go along with it all. In case of combat, Alfonse will put on some black gloves, just to keep himself clean~ When he is at home or wants to feel comfy, Alfonse goes almost naked, simply walking around in fitted boxers unless he has the decency to put on an undershirt or something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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