Nakoda, the tribal heir.

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Full Name: " I don't really like telling strangers about myself... " Nakoda Meskwaki.

Age: " I am young and mighty! Wanna fight?! " Nakoda is a lively 19-years old person.

Gender: " ...Maybe I have long hair, but that doesn't make me a woman! The women in my tribe have short hair! " Male.

△Alignment: True Neutral.

△Omegaverse alignment: Beta.

△Astral Sign: Taurus.

Species: Nakoda is a human with shamanic powers. He is the son of the tribe chief and the tattoos on his body hold healing powers that aid him in battle.

△Nationality: Unknown. He comes from a long lost tribe that was recently found somewhere inside Australia. Further researching is required to determine more about this tribe. Their language can't be deciphered by us yet they seem to have incredible learning skills, being able to pick on English very fast.

Sexual preference: " W-What kind of question is that?! " Nakoda is, in fact, homosexual. Yet he pretends to be straight just for the sake of his family, mostly for his father that expects him to marry a beautiful woman and rule the tribe one day. Yet the boy can't help it but love the same gender.

Romantic preference: " Uhm... Gah! Sakar natuk! " Nakoda loves strong people. Males that represent a powerful pair and an amazing challenge to be taken down, riling him up incredibly are the ones to steal his heart without any problems. Those responsible and stern, yet wild people that try to tame him are also welcome to try, while soft and caring males can have a very small percentage of luck as his submissive pair. He is a very energetic and active male and he needs a person with a sense of stability to keep him with his feet on the ground more than anything. Shy males will simply bore him, so he tends to avoid those. 

Appearance: Nakoda is a young male standing at 5'10" with softly tanned skin and a fair build that shows he is a warrior inside his tribe. His body is covered in red tattoos designed in his tribe's traditional ways and his brown-violet hair is long, wavy and messy, reaching all the way to his knees since all males in his kin need to keep it that way as a sign of power and influence over females, yet his is the longest of all. A collar with canines and fangs from different creatures he hunted during his life rests on his neck as a protective charm his father made for him and two small earrings can be seen pinned to his right ear as well. For clothing, the male usually doesn't wear anything besides a pair of short, black, boxer-like pants and a red cloth wrapped around his hips, his top naked and his feet bare since he loves walking around barefoot. Even so, after he became a student taken by the researchers that found his tribe and wanted to know more, he came to an agreement with them and started wearing jeans and a pair of black boots so he looked more 'decent', yet he keeps walking around with his top naked and when he is at home, he wears is usual clothes. 

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Personality: Nakoda is, like earlier mentioned, a very lively and active male that loves battling each time he gets the occasion and enjoys learning new things about the outside world if he is given the chance to do so

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Personality: Nakoda is, like earlier mentioned, a very lively and active male that loves battling each time he gets the occasion and enjoys learning new things about the outside world if he is given the chance to do so. He is a curious and childish person with a free spirit and a powerful will and he acts mostly on crude instinct and curiosity rather than rationality and judgement. He is an extrovert most of the time, but only if he trusts the people around him enough to do so. If he comes across any sort of foreign thing he doesn't understand or doesn't like, he will immediately become very defensive and protect himself. In a relationship, Nakoda is bold and possessive and nothing will stand in his way if he wants to keep his lover safe to himself.   

Likes: Picking fights with big creatures or people, learning new things, playing with pets, training, climbing trees, swimming and being able to do whatever he wants.

Dislikes: Being trapped, loud noises, foreign dangers, seeing people he cares for being in pain, crowds, being away from nature for too long and thunderstorms.

Powers: As a young shaman, his tattoos hold healing powers and he can brew different potions or poisons if he is given the required ingredients. He has enhanced reflexes and senses as well and he knows hand-to-hand combat pretty well too.

▲Limitations: If he gets too exhausted, his self-healing powers won't work correctly anymore. Nakoda is still learning about potions and there are chances sometimes he may get them wrong too.

Weapons: Besides his powers, Nakoda carries a tribal dagger with him anywhere he goes. 

Strengths: The male is a quick learner and he is able to act fast when faced with a dangerous situation, usually saving others by doing so. Also, he is incredibly confident in his actions and holds a good dose of charisma as a future tribe chief.

Weaknesses: Nakoda is afraid of loosing his freedom and everything about it, as well as being defeated or standing in new areas all alone. He is anxious about being around too many new people and he may suffer a bit from things like paranoia and insomnia, these affecting his perception upon people he meets. At times, he can accidentally misspell words if he is afraid or embarrassed and he is weak to the scent of nature in general and smoke from fireplaces.

Companion: None, but back at his native place, he has a black horse named 'Hamek'.

△Sin: Wrath and secretly Lust.

△Daily Occupation: Some sort of exchange student at a special university the scientists picked for him/next-in-line chief for his tribe/hunter.

△Hobby: Unknown.

△Other: Nakoda has a pretty big family back in his village, made from his parents and 6 younger siblings.

△Position: Switch, but he leans very much towards the submissive side, especially when met with a powerful pair. 80% submissive, 20% dominant. 

△Turn Ons: Caressing and thigh caressing, low voices, biting, whispering, rough acting, being pinned down by his lover, growling or purring and kissing in general.

△Turn Offs: Intense pain, rape, being tied up, weird fetishes, being degraded, being forced, not being able to move too much and choking.

OCs for roleplayingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ