Toshi, the trickster spirit.

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" Life is so much fun when you play tricks on others, haha~ What, am I wrong when I say so? " ~Toshi

Full Name: " Hello~! Nice to meetcha~ My  name is Toshinori Kamino! Call me Toshi, all my friends do. I hope we can be friends, hehe~ " 

Age: " Hmm... Well, I was old last time I checked. " Toshi is very old, around a thousand and five hundred years old, but his human age can be translated to 19-20 years old.

Gender: " Eeeh... What kind of question is that?? " Male.

△Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

△Omegaverse Alignment: Beta whose body has slight Omega features, yet not the impregnable part.

Species: Toshinori is a Yokai, or how others call it, a Mononoke. He is a spirit that can shapeshift and bring by misfortune of good fortune, depending on the way he feels at that given moment. Mononokes can be tamed by humans or other beings and kept as pairs and friends, because the said being can be used for a lot of things. For example, if someone tames a Mononoke in a good way, the said spirit will bring the person good fortune and a lot of riches and luck. Yet, if the tamer is a bad person, they will have to deal with bad fortune and even severe illness. So be careful when taming one of these. They may be rare, but they are very powerful. Toshi has a bit of a problem with his fortune controlling powers, but he will manage.

△Nationality: Japanese with a bit of Latino genes.

Sexual Preference: " E-Eh...? Ah, uhm... I... " Toshi is usually very shy when it comes to his orientation. He doesn't really like to talk about it with others, but at the same time, he can't help the way he feels. He has a very deep attraction to humanoid men, because earlier in his life, the people that tried to tame him were mostly women who used him for their own purposes and hurt him. He brought bad fortune upon them and only harbored feelings for one man that succeeded to win his heart over. That man became emperor of Japan even, yet he died like all of the others do, leaving Toshi all alone and afraid. 

Romantic Preference: " W-Well... " Toshi loves caring and sweet men that would never do anything to hurt him. He is a soft person that enjoys small things like cuddles and petting, and it makes him smile when his lover acts gently with him. He likes tall and strong men that know how to be responsible with him and with the way they act, not to mention those that are modest from time to time, especially with their greediness. He likes those with small wishes and a lot of love to give, possessive men and those that know how to brighten up his mood no matter what happens.

Appearance: Toshinori is a male standing at 5'8", his body being a mesomorph one and his skin being a nice shade of tanned brown, like milky chocolate. He has blonde hair that is short and swept back, its sides curving towards his cheeks and looking all messy and nice. Given the fact that Mononokes usually shapeshift, he can take many appearances and other parts from other creatures, but his main form has a pair of fluffy, feline-like ears with black tips that slowly fade into the same blonde color as his hair towards their bases, mixing in with his blonde locks. He has some small, creamy-yellow plaques on his cheeks, under the exterior ends of his eyes, those being used in his spells since they are magic and all that. His eyes are mismatched, one being light blue while the other is a nice shade of pink with yellow undertones. He has a scar that goes across his right eye, starting from his forehead and all the way to the middle of his right cheek, while some dark brown designs are also painted on his cheeks, starting from the interior side of his eyes and going a bit towards his nose, angling and then fading away towards his cheeks' exteriors. Toshi has a pair of small fangs and his nails are long and strong, looking like clwas. He has a diamond earring in his right ear, the color of it being purple. He can also be seen having a long, fluffy leopard tail at his back, which he shows only if he is happy enough to do so. For clothing, he likes turtle-neck sweaters, mostly colored yellow, a large jacket with chocolate brown and yellow shades, a pair of tight, dark brown jeans and a pair of sneakers, as well as a pair of black, fingerless gloves. 

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