Mason, the young librarian.

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" A coffee a day keeps the headaches away. ...Wait, did I get it wrong again...? " ~Mason

Full Name: " Ah, greetings... I am Mason Cauffield, the part-time librarian here. What can I help you with? "   

Age: " I believe I am 19, sir. Soon to be 20, if I am not mistaken. " 

Gender: " I... thought it was quite obvious? " Male.

△Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

△Omegaverse Alignment: Beta.

Species: Mason is a simple human, nothing else tied to that. He is simply very smart and overall a good guy, there's nothing else to his species. A normal guy with a normal life, which he hopes no one will ruin.

△Nationality: American-Scottish.

Sexual Preference: " ...I prefer not to talk about such subjects, if you don't mind... " Mason is a pretty 'keep-to-himself' guy, so he isn't really that experienced in the field of relationships. He is usually pretty shy and closed off, but if he had to choose a person he would date, he would most likely choose a man. It's... a long story, but it remains to your options if he will ever say it out loud or not. 

Romantic Preference: " Well... " Mason finds himself interested in guys that can come up with fascinating and cool conversation topics. He likes someone who would genuinely be interested in him for who he is as a person, not just for some weird one night stand or anything of the sorts. He is a guy that involves himself pretty deeply sentimentally in a relationship, so if the said thing breaks off, he will be unbelievably depressed afterwards. He likes taller guys whom he would feel safe around, someone who would cuddle him up during snowy days while he reads a book and drinks his tea or coffee on the couch. The male would love a guy who can be romantic yet also cool, not to mention one that would occasionally tease him as well to keep things alive and happy between the two of them. 

Appearance: Mason is a male standing at 5'10", with a soft build and a mesomorph body, his skin being a pretty pale shade since he rarely goes outside, being more of an indoors-y person. He has creamy white hair that is styled in a pretty cool way, the sides of his head being shaved only to their half and the back of it being shaved almost entirely, while the rest of it holds his slightly messy and soft hair. His eyes are slanted and colored into a smooth shade of chocolate brown, while his lips are slightly full and soft, also being colored a bit rosy naturally. A pair of nice glasses rests on the bridge of his nose, their frame being dark blue while their shape is square-y with rounded corners. For clothing, the male likes to dress in loose or baggy clothes on his upper half, because it gives him the feeling of freedom of movement. He can be seen wearing a large and soft, black hoodie with white laces for its hood, a pair of dark blue, tight jeans that show his legs and backside nicely and a pair of comfy shoes with hardened undersides, which he has at a pretty big size so he wouldn't hurt his feet in them. On his back, on the left side, he has a small tattoo that represents a Japanese Kanji character, '本' , which stands for 'Hon' or 'Book', which is drawn neatly on the area under his shoulder. 


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