Kyon, the double-faced mercenary.

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" Pain... sorrow... murder... They are all connected. Don't let them get the best of you. " ~Kyon

Full Name: " I am not that important, so I suggest you don't bother with learning my useless name. " Kyon W. Lukan.

Age: " I want to believe time doesn't actually pass... But living in that kind of illusion is useless. " The male is 26 years old.

Gender: " ....Is that even a question? " Male.

△Alignment: Lawful Evil.

△Omegaverse alignment: Beta.

△Astral Sign: Scorpio.

Species: That is a tough question indeed. Kyon is... clearly not human, but it's hard to identify his species too. He was once a test subject for a crazy scientist and he ended up with enhanced senses and morphing powers that allowed him to change his form at will and helped him achieve great things in his mercenary career. After further research done secretly on his body, another scientist decided to name his species 'The Metakin', meaning Metamorphosis Kin, or 'The family of changing ones'. 

△Nationality: Latin-American.

Sexual preference: " ...Is that truly relevant? " Even though Kyon almost never had anyone in his life, he is 100% sure he loves men more than anything, especially after that scientist, who was a woman, tortured him. Despite the fact that he didn't really have many lovers, men are the ones for him. 

Romantic preference: " I don't think I made myself clear yet, but is that truly relevant to all of this? Goodness. " Despite the lack of love in his life, Kyon enjoys people that care about him for real. He hates liars and those that try to approach him just for his looks or the fact that he acts gentlemanly at times. People with a sense of adventure but also one of responsibility are charming to him and he loves those that read or do nice activities in their free time. Since he ended up as an experiment, he had to behave himself, so people that like to play and take him out of his comfort zone are welcomed to try and win his heart.

Appearance in usual form: This man stands at 6'2", his skin tone being a tanned shade and his hair a blonde color after he dyed it that way, its original color being silver. His eyes, however, don't match his hair, their irises being a soft shade of pink as a result of the foreign substances that traveled through his body during the experiments he was subjected to. Scars rest on his face, one going vertically under his left eye all the way to his lips while the other travels the bridge of his nose. Another small scar rests on his nicely shaped jaw and a tattoo with sharp designs is drawn on the left side of his face, elegant and adding to his mysterious air. Kyon wears and earring in his left ear, the jewelry piece representing some sort of blade, probably one crafted by magical beings since it doesn't look too common in the normal world. A collar with amazingly designed scales and a ruby is tied on his neck, while for clothing, he wears a long, red trench coat with golden designs that represent parts from bodies of dragons or simple, unknown crests, a pair of black, tight jeans and high, red boots with hard undersides to match his coat. Usually, he doesn't wear anything on his top side besides his coat, so his toned chest is exposed to others in this attire. His body is built nicely and his muscles aren't big enough to make him look like a monster, yet not too frail to make him look like a stick. He is simply fit enough to look good and a lot of other scars rest on his skin from all the missions he did during his career as a mercenary. During his job as a librarian though, Kyon dresses normally, his attire consisting of a white shirt with a black vest over it, an elegant tie, a pair of black pants and one of stylish shoes. A pair of glasses can be found resting on his nose as well during that, these having rectangle-like shapes with a very thin frame and thin lenses.

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