Viktor, the silent acupuncturist.

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(ATTENTION: This character's story is tied along with the last character's, Fletcher. Read the details below, in the 'Other' section.)

" ...I will do my job on you since you paid for it. Stand still. " ~Viktor

Full Name: " ... " He tapped his finger against the name stitched on his work uniform's chest. Viktor Kalensk. His full name is Viktor Nikita Kalensk. 

Age: " I am 35 years old. " But Viktor looks young, his natural beauty having been preserved over the years.

Gender:  " I am a man..." Male.

△Alignment: True Neutral. 

△Omegaverse Alignment: Alpha.

Species: Plain human. He is also albino by nature, if that helps? 

△Nationality: Pure Russian. ( But he can speak a lot of languages from English to Russian, to Swedish, to Polish and so on. )

Sexual Preference: " ... " Due to his cold and silent demeanor, Viktor hasn't been approached that much. There were few people who tried their luck with the guy because of his beauty, but they gave up after seeing how emotionless he is. Truth be told, the man could go for anything, but he can be seen developing better interactions with people from the same gender, even if he doesn't do much about it. 

Romantic Preference: " If you behave... I might like you. "  Viktor is the kind of guy who /despises/ disobedience. He will always go for those whom he knows will respect him and his orders, whenever he gives them. However, that doesn't mean he minds rebel people /that/ much. That type of behavior gives him the best occasion to try and tame the wildness that person would show. The man might be interested in someone who dares approach him and stay by his side, even after they know how he behaves. He isn't a bad guy... but he has a hard time opening up to people.

Appearance: Viktor is very tall. He stands at a towering 6'6" and he sports a mesomorph type of body with elegantly toned muscles. He isn't too buff, but appearances can be deceiving when it comes to one's abilities. Given his albino traits, his skin is a very white tone, porcelain-like and adding to his air of superior beauty. His hair is long, reaching the small of his back in length and it's also colored in a shade of extremely pale blonde, almost platinum. The man has eyes as red as rubies, sharp and very piercing. His body is littered with many scars, but the stories behind them aren't nice. Most of them seem to be bullet-like and burn marks. Viktor has a cut-like mark over the left corner of his lips, leaving both of them scarred as it continues towards his chin and up towards his cheek. He has a 'V' burnt onto his left shoulder, a reminder of something that happened a long time ago... A special circumstance, he could say, and it's not coming from /his/ name. All of these point out that he had a lot more action in his life than he would let out... maybe because he is secretive and has a lot more work than he admits. On his back, things get even more interesting. Viktor has two large tattoos that represent feathery wings, done in red ink all over the back of his shoulders and even a bit on the back of his arms, spreading nicely whenever he spreads his arms open. ( See picture below as reference, couldn't find one in red ink but just imagine it so. ) The tattoos get covered by his long hair most of the time when he is naked, but if he wishes to show it to someone, he will willingly move his hair out of the way for it. Over all, the man has a nicely put together shape, even if he might look intimidating at first glance. Most of the time, Viktor wears classy outfits with coats and stylish shirts, nice pants and classy shoes. At work, he wears his uniform, which is kinda like a doctor one, but not really that close. When he is at home, the male can be seen wearing pajamas, probably just to unwind after long days of work.  

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