Pierre, the moody bodyguard.

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( ATTENTION: This character's story ties into Blanche's and Noir's stories too, as well as the next character's! )

" Keep away from my client and maybe we'll see if you get outta here alive. " ~Pierre

Full Name: " The fuck? I'm here to do my job, not to do introductions. " Pierre Arnaud Legrand.(French name, French pronunciation- ...ah, why do I bother, you know the drill.) 

Age: " If you even /dare/ call me old- " He's 33 years old. His birthday is on the 6th of August.

Gender: " Are you really that fucking dumb? " Male.

△Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

△Omegaverse alignment: Beta. 

△Astral Sign: Leo.

Species: Pierre is only human, despite people always calling him 'giant' due to his towering and frightening height.

△Nationality: French-Finnish.

Sexual preference: " What the /fuck/. " Pierre is hard to approach and usually, he tends to drive people away from him with his mean stare and tall figure, so he isn't really much for relationships, usually. However, he is attracted to males, as weird as it may sound. Trust me when I say... it can only get weirder. You'll see.

Romantic preference: " I ain't even gonna bother. " Since the man lacks actual romantic experience, it's pretty hard to tell what kind of man would he like. However, if he really tries to think about it... Pierre enjoys the company of people who can act casual and not piss him off. But even so, he will also fall for someone with perseverance, someone who will try his best to get past the thick walls Pierre has built around his heart to keep out anyone and everyone. It takes a while to get him to come around and trust someone, but if he does... He will treasure them as long as possible.

Appearance: Pierre is a /tall/ man. And when I say tall, I mean it. He is around 6'10" (210 cm), with a strong build that sports lean muscles and a broad chest. His skin is pretty pale and his eyes are sharp and a dark shade of grey. His black hair is short and styled towards the left side, also sporting an undercut at the back of it. Pierre has his back entirely covered in tattoos with an oriental design depicting the large image of a catfish with waves and black designs that wrap around his torso and stop at his chest and neck, as well as on the back of his arms. (See pictures below for reference, I am pretty dumb at explaining-) The bodyguard's frame has a lot of scars, most of them from the job he had... well, /before/ he became a bodyguard. He has a long scar on his left cheek, looking as if it was made by a blade and on his body, he has the following: four bullet scars (one on his left shoulder, one on his right thigh, one on the right side of his waist and the last one on his left arm), three knife scars (two medium ones on his back and one on the back of his right leg) and one small surgery scar on his left leg (from one time he broke his bone and had to get it put back into position with precision). Pierre always wears a pair of sunglasses, even if he is inside, taking them off once in a century, only when he sleeps, when he is at home or when he feels like it, and he also has an earring with a silver cross on his left ear matching with Alfonse's. For clothing, Pierre usually wears black clothes and his main outfit consists from a comfortable, black shirt with grey, flowery patterns that he keeps unbuttoned to the middle of his broad chest and which's sleeves he keeps rolled up, a pair of nicely fit, black pants that go well with his shirt, held up by a slightly thin belt and a pair of black shoes. When he wants to get comfortable (mostly when he is at home) Pierre wears loose T-shirts and pants, preferring comfort over any sort of stylish appearance.

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