Arima, the collected karate teacher.

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" Concentration is what makes a warrior great. So never loose focus, alright? " ~Arima

Full Name: " Good day, student. My name is Arima Yousuke, nice meeting you. "

Age: " I am pretty young for a teacher, I know... " He is 27 years old. 

Gender: " ...Maybe you need your eyes to be checked. " Male. 

△Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

△Omegaverse Alignment: Alpha.

Species: Arima is a kitsune demon, a creature that is also called a 'Fox Spirit'. He can use a large range of different spells tied to different elements and such, not to mention that three tails and a pair of fox ears can appear on him when he wills them to. He doesn't use his powers at all, to be honest, so he can be considered a normal human for the most part.

△Nationality: 80% Japanese- 20% American. 

Sexual Preference: " That is not a proper question to ask. " Despite his popularity with women that come to his courses and all that, Arima is a closeted homosexual that tries to approach others yet fails miserably at it. He finds men more attractive and wishes to find himself a great boyfriend one day, not to mention he  would never try out any sort of relationship with a female ever again, rejecting them all nicely and as gently as he can to not hurt their feelings since he isn't really a brute. It's a long story, but all the said relationships he had with women ended up badly. 

Romantic Preference: " ...Pardon? " Arima always found people with a great sense of justice and duty to be very interesting and enchanting. He would like to find himself a special someone that can act gentle and sweet with him, no matter if they would be submissive or dominant in their relationship. He tends to be silent about what he wants, so he requires a person that would be able to read him and his thoughts like an open book, someone understanding who can relate to his feelings. Someone hardworking and hot headed with a pretty strong will and a nice personality will always make him interested, not to mention a person that would have great control over themselves. He doesn't like spoiled people, because he isn't the type of guy to shower his lover in gifts and all that either. 

Appearance: Arima is a male standing at 6' with a pretty strong mesomorph build and pale skin, his muscles being defined elegantly from the entirety of years he worked as a karate teacher and trained on his own as well. He has black, messy hair that is cut shortly, while his eyes are a soft shade of golden amber and slanted given his Asian heritage. His lips are soft and slightly full, while two red lines are drawn on his face from the base of it to the middle of his cheekbones, which usually stay there when he doesn't use his powers in any way. His left ear has three golden ring piercings and a normal earring with elegant designs which go well with his complexion. His attire is pretty unique, because he likes to be traditional and move freely, so he wears a special type of uniform meant especially for practicing karate and general combat. It consists from a red shirt with very short sleeves, a yellow-orange collar and back outlines, arm cuffs used as blockers against hits, both colored red and black and having some bandages underneath them from previous battles he had (and to stop the uncomfortable friction of the cuffs against his skin), a pair of black, comfy pants held up by a white karate belt that has a neatly done knot and comfortable, special shoes that go all the way to his mid-calves, being colored white and pale grey. 

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