“Yes! Now choose!”

“Corsage top with high rise shorts”

“Good choice, and now shoes.” She turned to look at my shoe collection by the back wall of the closet “I’m thinking your ankle studded black combat boots, or maybe heels they would totally make your legs look even longer than they already are”

“No, im going for the boots on this one” She threw my clothes at me and took me by the shoulders while leading me to the bathroom

“Now you change while I pick my clothes”

“Yes mom” I said as I gave her a wink then closed the door. I finished changing then looked at myself in the mirror, might as  well make a day out of it, I thought as I let my straight dark blonde hair loose, then applying some moose at the tips so it wouldn’t be completely straight. I came out of the bathroom and went strait to my bed, I hate messy rooms, so I just started picking up the clothes and putting them back in the closet.

“You look hot” Mathew said as he came in and plopped himself on the bed.

“Mathew looks like Harry, but with Zayn’s quiff” Vicky said as she came in and threw herself on his belly “Dog pile!”  

“No you are gonna wrinkle my clothes and mess up my hair!” He yelled as he started a tickle fight.

“Ok I give up!” Vicky yelled as she threw her hands up.

“You are very heavy for such a tiny seven year old”

“Hey that’s not nice!” She said then pinched him softly on the cheek.

“How do I look?” Julianne said as she waltz in to my room in a vintage flowy mustard yellow dress and brown oxfords heels.


“As always” Mathew finished my sentence.

“Thank you” she said with a cheeky smile.

“Can we please go now?” Vicky said as she got up and headed for the door.

“As you say my lady” Mathew joked as he waited for all of us to leave the room then he followed.

We all pilled into the car, Vicky and Julianne in the back checking that they had brought their CDs and that their cameras were ready, while I tried to set the GPS.

“I think we should make a quick stop so I could buy a poster” Julianne said as she leaned forward to stick her head between the front seats.

“It starts in thirty minutes, we are basically late, plus you were the one hurrying us up and getting us ready” Mathew said as he took a quick glance at her.

“Matt keep your eyes on the road, you are putting our lives at risk here!” Vicky yelled.

“Oh be quiet” he said under his breath.

“Don’t they have to sell posters and CDs over there, or maybe they give them away or something” I said as I finally found the correct address and placed the GPS back on its little stand.

“I think they do” Julianne said as she leaned back in her seat.

“Can you please put this in?” Vicky said as she handed me a CD.

“Sure” I looked at it before sliding it in to the player, One Direction, off course.

“And put it loud”

We got around to the seventh track when we arrived, we were definitely the last ones in line, and the signing had already started. There were so many girls in the room and all dressed looking their best. I actually felt a little intimidated but I wasn’t the type to show it so I just stood straight, and felt a ping of anxiety, why?

A One Direction Summer (Completed/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now