The Interview

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Chapter 10: Zayn’s POV.

I have a plan but im still not sure if it will work for my benefit or against me. What if Scarlett starts to mean more to me than just a fling? No I just have to keep it in my mind that we are only going to have fun for now.

“Where are you going?” Liam asked form the dinner table.

“Out” was the only answer I gave him as I closed the front door behind me. I heard rushing footsteps and the door opening once again, but I continued towards Harry’s car.

“That’s Harry’s car” Liam said as he followed me.

“He let me borrow it”

“We have an interview in an hour”

“I know” He grabbed my shoulder an spun me around.

“Where are you going?” He asked with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“Picking up Scarlett” I said without looking straight at him, I knew there will be a lecture following this.

“Zayn you know you cant have a serious relationship with her”

“I know”

“Then why are you doing this? She will have to eventually leave back to America and you are going to have to stay here.”

“Because I like being with her, she’s different.”

“Just don’t get hurt please” He said as he slumped his arms to his sides and began to turn back to the flat.


“Yeah?” he turned quickly.

“Thanks for watching out for me”

“That’s why were mates” he said and waved goodbye as I entered the car. I took out my shades and placed them on my face as I drove away, heading to Starbucks. I parked as close as I could to the entrance, got out quickly pulling my hoody over my head. Its funny how I do this things automatically when before I never even thought of wearing sun glasses inside a shop or having to cover my face as much as possible when I was surrounded by a bunch of strangers. But hey fame has its ups and downs.

“One tall cappuccino” I asked the guy at the register as soon as I reached him.

“That will be £3.12”

“Thanks” I said as I handed his the cash, I took the coffee and went straight to my car without giving anyone a second glance, I arrived at Scarlett’s house and nocked quickly on her door, which opened as I was about to nock once again.

“Wow there, no need to mess with the face” she smiled brightly.

“Good morning love” I said giving her s peck on the cheek.

“Morning handsome, so where are you taking me that I had to wake from my beauty sleep so early?”

“Well I wanted to be with you all day, and there was one small problem, but don’t worry I solved it” I said leaning on the doorframe and crossing my arms.

“Oh? And what was that problem?” she asked flirtatiously.

“You are going to get a behind the scenes glance at how a radio interview works” I said winking and taking her hand to lead her to the car as bright flashes started interfering with my line of vision. Paparazzi.

“Not again” Scarlett said as she quickened her pace and jumped in the car as I held the door.

“Zayn is she your girlfriend?”

A One Direction Summer (Completed/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now