“Well, we could use a little money and go shopping!” she said as her eyes gleamed at the thought, before I could stop her she opened the envelop and screamed at whatever was laying inside, she started jumping up and down “OMG! OMG! OMFG!!” was what kept coming out of her mouth over and over again.

“Julianne calm your tits down,” Mathew said as he and Vicky came and sat by me.

“OH! Mathew said a bad word!” Vicky said as she pointed at him.

“Who cares? We are going to a signing by One Direction!” Julianne said as she resumed with her jumping, while handing Vicky the envelope.

“What?!” I yelled as my eyes widened.

“Hell to the yes!” Mathew said as he threw his arms up, and Vicky took out the ticket bracelets from the envelope and started singing what makes you beautiful.

“You have to be freaking kidding me, he is just turning you guys to his side!” I sighted.

“Who?” Mathew asked.

“My dad”

“Well he is doing a pretty good dam job” Julianne answered before Mathew could say anything “How did he know we love them?”

“Well the fact that Victoria always talks about them to him, and you with all your clothes plastered with their faces on it, and well I guess the way Mathew dresses puts it very clear that he looks to them for their style” I said as I rolled my eyes, it was so typical of my dad to buy his way to peoples hearts, plus why couldn’t he chose one of the bands I liked instead of freaking One Direction?

“We have to go change! These are for today!” Julianne said as her eyes widened while examining the receipt that had come with the bracelets.


 “You are so definitely not going with that on,” Julianne said as she stared down at my Hollister sweats and cropped tee.

“What’s wrong with it? I came on the airplane with it, plus I don’t want to dirty more clothes.” I said defending my not so fashionable outfit, but who cares you’re supposed to be confortable and relaxed when you travel, right?

“Um no.” She said as she turned to my clothes that where now hanging in the closet “If we are meeting some of the cutest guys on earth, you will not be making an impression with that on, well maybe not a good one at that.” She started unhanging jeans and shirts messing up the neatness of my closet.

“Julianne I know how to dress myself”

“I know you do, but right now I know that you don’t want to dress nicely so im gonna pick out an outfit for you”

“Why do we have to dress up anyways? They are just some guys.”

“They are most definitely not just some guys! They are One Direction!” she said while giving me a scornful look then returning to the pile of clothes now on my bed.

“Ugh, I don’t even like them, I mean they aren’t bad singers but why do girls fawn over them so much, they don’t even know them”

“Because they are hot, and have British accents, duh”

“Whatever” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her while she stared hard at my clothes making different outfits, and then trying to decide which one was best.

“What do you thing, black leather jacket with ripped skinnies and white tee? Or black corsage top with high rise shorts?”


A One Direction Summer (Completed/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now