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Peter had just woken up from a nap when he heard the door to his bedroom open. He turned his head to see Gamora in a black tank top and black shorts. Her back was turned to him as she shut the door very quietly thinking Peter was still asleep but when she turned around she quickly realized that he was already awake.

"Hey" he said with a light smile

"Hey" she said as she walked over to her boyfriend and kissed him on the lips

She pulled back and pushed a piece of hair out of his face as she ran her fingers down the side of his face. Everytime Gamora kissed Peter she felt a sensation rush through her body and she wish it would never end.

"How long have you been up" she said curiously

"Not very long you kinda woke me up when you opened the door" he said trying not to make her feel bad

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I'll let you rest a little longer-"she starts to leave as she's talking but then Peter grabs her arm lightly before she can walk away

"No stay, I might be exhausted but I always want you here no matter what." he said sweetly

She stared into his green orbs lovingly and it was like they were just begging her to stay and she hated saying no to cuddling with the one man who possessed her whole heart and made her feel like the only girl in the world. She really wanted him to sleep though because she knew he was exhausted because fighting always made them both extremely tired. She thought that maybe since she was exhausted too that they could fall asleep together and if she was being honest she wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in her boyfriend's arms right now.

"Alright fine, but I still want you to rest" she said sternly

She slipped into the bed resting her head in the crook of his neck.

"You know this is what I've wanted all day. Just to lay in bed and relax with my badass girlfriend just laying right next to me." he said staring into her eyes

"Who is this girlfriend of yours I want to hear more about her." Gamora said flirtingly

"Well she is this beautiful green skinned assassin who I first met on Xandar when I was trying to sell an orb with an infinity stone in it. She kicked me in the gut to get the orb and I thought that was super feisty."

Gamora chuckled slightly at Peter's remark and kept listening on to hear the rest about this girlfriend of his.

"A bunch of things happened and then at one point I was just watching her lifeless body floating out their in space and I knew I had to go and save her. Later on I got to dance with her and slowly I started to realize that I was falling in love with the deadliest, most beautiful, and most amazing woman in the galaxy and I found out that she was falling in love with me too. Now we have been dating for about two months now."

After Peter said this he stared into Gamora's eyes her face filled with emotion almost looking like she was about to tear up.

"She sounds amazing" Gamora said almost on the verge of tears

Peter decided to flirt with her a little as well

"I heard you have a boyfriend what's he like" Peter smirked

Gamora rolled her eyes at his question and smiled and started to speak "Well he used to be this guy who didn't really care about woman and just hooked with them and called it a day but I later found out that it was because he was scared of falling in love with someone because he was afraid of losing another person he cared about." She said emotionally

"At first I didn't know how I felt about him but then I realized that everytime he walked into a room, everytime he gave me is adorable boyish grin, everytime he tried to get me to dance with him my heart would just melt in my chest. I realized that I was falling in love with him. Now we have also been dating for two months as well"

"Really" he said smiling

After they both gave their descriptions of each other they just layed there staring into each other's eyes. It was like they couldn't look away there was something pulling them in and they felt like there was nobody else in the world but the two of them.

Peter broke their silence and their stare

"I wish we could just lay here forever" Peter said longingly

Gamora just kept looking at him and smiled she leaned in and kissed him and the sensation just ran through her body again and she never wanted to pull away.

"Me too I wish I could just lay here with you and stare into your eyes for the rest of my life." She said as Peter pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear

"This is very relaxing" she said sleepily

Finally both of them slowly fell asleep with Peter's arm wrapped around Gamora's waist as he lay on his back and Gamora resting her head in the crook of his neck with her arm layed out across his chest and they both were just happy to have each other.

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