#5 Error!Sans X Reader // Happy Valentine's day

Start from the beginning

Chloe dug her phone out of her pocket and answered it.

I kept silence during the phone call because I did not want to be rude. I looked down at the brownie that Chloe made for me. I wonder how it'll taste like. I hope I won't get diabetes from this. Chloe has a bad habit of adding too much flavour when she's cooking or baking. One time she made eggs and I took one bite and all the moisture in my mouth is pretty much non-existent. She added waaaayyy too much salt.

I smiled fondly at the memory. I didn't have many friends, so I always cherish this little moments.

I looked up when I heard Chloe saying goodbye to whoever she was talking on the phone with. She ended the call and pocketed her phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh, it was just Jack." She answered.

"What did he want?"

Her cheeks went red and she looked away with a lovesick grin on her face.

"W-well. You didn't know, but Jack and I were dating this past few months and last week he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes."

"Wait. How come you didn't tell me that you were dating somebody?"

"O-oh well. Um... I- Please don't be mad, but I-I thought you would get sad if you knew I was dating somebody."

I stared at her with a blank face for a few seconds and saw a drop of sweat trickle down her forehead. I raised my hand above her head. She looked at me with fearful eyes. I brought down my hand as she braces for impact.

I gently laid my hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile. "I'm so happy for you, Chloe!"

She looked at me in surprise. "Wait, you're not upset or anything? You don't feel any negative emotions?"

"Why would I be upset?"

"Well I thought you'd be angry that I got a boyfriend while you're still single."

"Pffftttt. Yeah, I don't care about that. Anyway, about Jack, did he ask you on a date?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Well, you'd better get going. Don't want lover boy to wait."

"Yeah, I should probably go. I'm really sorry that I won't be able to hang out with you. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow!"

"Sure thing, Chloe."

Chloe gave me a quick hug and said goodbye. I just stared at her figure as she got farther away from me. For some reason, I feel really... sad. Shouldn't I be happy for my friend that she found a partner? And yet, this sadness make my chest ache.

I sighed and continued walking back to my house. No point in dwelling in this sadness. It's not like Chloe is going to stop hanging out with me, right?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that a hole suddenly appeared out of thin air in front me. I tried to stop myself from stepping, but it seems that my body doesn't want to cooperate. My foot went through the hole and I fell down into the endless void of darkness.


Why does my body feel so stiff. I feel like I'm having a hangover. Did I go drinking last night? Geez, my head hurts so much. What was I doing last night? Why can't I remember?

I groaned when I tried to move my body. It felt like there were strings wrapped around me and every time I would move it hurts like a knife. Wait... I don't think I'm lying down. Am I suspended in the air? I don't feel like I'm lying down. And it feels like the gravity is pulling my legs down.

Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)Where stories live. Discover now