Gob: I see.

???: Hey come here.

Gob: Going.

We walked to the gate where three dragonoid were talking. One of them was the one we met in the underground building.

Guard: I have heard why you came. Please follow me but please leave your armaments here at the gate.

Gob: We came to negotiate so we have no weapons. Not that I can use any.

Guard: You can be executed if you have a weapon with you.

Gob: I have none.

Guard: Alright. follow me.

Gob: Ok.

Thus we entered the city. It was a very large city and its castle was very impressive. We were lead to the caste. It had at least four-meter high doors with golden roses in lines on it. As we entered I was amazed. The floor was soo clean I could see my reflection on it. I couldn't even decide what material it was made off. The castle had many armours stands with armours on them. As we walked across hundreds of corridors I felt more and more lost in the palace. Soon we got to a new large door. It wasn't as large as the one before but it was still large. The large door slowly opened and I saw the throne room. A dragonoid was sitting in the throne. He looked like he was in his mid-forties but since he was a dragonoid he must have been much older.

King: You may leave.

The guard who was leading us bowed then left.

King: I have heard the reason you came. My name is Droflog, King of the Dragonoid Empire. I am willing to talk about the negotiation on one condition. Mr Rendbe

Gob: let me guess. You are with the humans or you have "Detail Vision".

Droflog: I'd rather commit suicide then side with the humans.

Gob: That is good to here. So what is that one condition?

Droflog: I need you to rescue my daughter. She has been kidnapped by the werewolves.

Gob: I see.

I looked back at the girls behind me.

Gob: I will help you if you promise me one thing.

Droflog: And that would be?

Gob: If you keep my friends safe I will go and bring your daughter back.

Ilri: Master we...

I rose my hand and she stopped talking.

Droflog: I see. I promise I will protect them while you are on your journey.

Gob: Thank you. System Let's go.

System: Right, Master.

Droflog: Wait. Do you know where to go and where to find them?

Gob: I have a plan.

Droflog: Already?

Gob: Yes.

Droflog: In that case. Good luck.

Gob: Girls. I will be back in no time.

Wenly: But...

Gob: I don't want you to get hurt.

I left the room with System on my side.

Gob: System, Please lead the way.

System: Right away.

We left the castle and headed toward the gate. As we got there I waved to the guards and followed System's lead to west. After we got further away we started running. Soon we reached a strange city. It had a wall but the gate was opened. As we entered no one was on the streets. I saw a large arena-like structure so I headed there. As we got closer I could hear that some kind of event was going on in the arena. As we reached it I decided to climb up onto the arena's highest point. I looked into the arena. It was some kind of gladiator fight. I was searching for the king and I found him at the highest seat. Next to him, a beaten girl was chained to the wall. She was barely conscious. Thanks to my high vision I could focus on her. I could see she was very very slim and seemed like he was starving. Her cloth was all torn and was barely in one. She looked like a dragonoid. I looked at the fight below and decided to jump down. I jumped down and smashed the two fighters head onto the ground. I pointed at the king.

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