My Uterus Kills Me and I Meet My Soulmates

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TW: allusions to sex being used as payment
(August 31, Tuesday)
(day of the BTS concert)

I had everything planned out. I'd wake up, jump in a shower, then go to the concert. After that? Well, I'd finally meet my soulmates. Unfortunately, me being born as a female derailed my plans.

For those of you out there lucky enough to not be killed monthly, I envy you. You've never experienced the excruciating pain that grips your insides. It feels like a hand squeezing my internal organs. And. It. Refuses. To. Let. Go.

I was one of those girls who actually had mood swings. Whether it was due to a hormone imbalance or whatever, when Aunt Flo came around I could switch my personalities at the drop of a hat.

I'd be happy one minute, little Miss Positivity. Then, five seconds later, I'd become a Debbie Downer. Then, I'd get angry. Then, it'd start all over again.

And my period decided to come the day of the BTS concert where I'd meet my soulmates face-to-face. Of fucking course.

I yank open my bathroom drawers. Okay. Okay. I can work with this. As long as I wear a pad and an (ultra) tampon, I could bear with it. My flow was always heavy the first couple of days, so I'd have to make sure to change every three hours or so.

I start the shower so it can warm up as I pull out a pair of underwear and a t-shirt. I didn't want to put on the clothes I had picked out for the concert too early. I wondered what they would think of me wearing their merc—fuck.

My body curls up as I drop the clothing in my hands. I wrap my arms around myself as I desperately try to alleviate the pain any way I can. The cramps had kicked in with full force. Cramps for me have always been the worse.

There's actually a funny story to be told here. When I was 12, I had appendicitis. However, no one realized it because I was on my period and they just thought it was cramps.

After I missed a week at school, my uncle finally took me to an Urgent Care who immediately sent me to the hospital's ER. They gave me an MRI and did some blood tests.

Not only did I have appendicitis, but my appendix had burst. Two abscesses had formed and I had an infection. If my uncle had waited any longer, there was a high chance I could've died. And all because we thought it was simply my period cramps.

I slowly make my way towards my bathroom. I snatch the clothes I dropped up as I stumble to the medicine cabinet. Some Tylenol would be quite lovely right about now. Using the counter as support, I pull myself out of my hunched over position.

Reaching my hand out to grab the bottle of pills from the cabinet, I dump three of the tiny capsules out. Setting the bottle down, I immediately toss the pills back. I turn on the faucet and gulp down the water to wash the pills in my mouth down.

Taking a second to simply breathe, I carefully strip and proceed to step in the warm shower. The water pounds down on me as I gently wash my body. After a good 30 minute shower, I shut the water off and take the towel hanging from the rack next to me to dry myself off.

After getting dressed, I grab my heating pad and throw Hwarang up on my laptop. I had enough time to take a nap right? I set a timer on for three hours. It was only 11:45, and I didn't have to leave until 4:00 after all...

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