Galadriel's secret

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Tauriel stared at Galadriel, hardly daring to believe what she had just heard. Could Galariel know who her mother was?

"A long time ago" said Galadriel "a young elfling called Irithial was stolen from Lothlorian. No one but myself and Lord Celeborn remember this, as all who were there at the time have long since sailed across the Sundering sea, to the undying lands beyond. No trace of Irithial was ever found, but then, three hundred years later, another baby, an elfling, was discovered in an small shack, many leagues from here. The man who had found her, recognizing an elfling at once, carried her back to Lorien. His kindness saved the child's life. Your life" she added, looking at Tauriel.

"The elfling was me?" Asked Tauriel.
"Yes. When he brought you to us, we did indeed take you in. But soon we realised that you were not from here. You bore the unmistakable signs of a Silvan Elf, and we thought it best for you to grow up amongst your own kindred. An elf took you to Mirkwood, but before he reached Thranduil's palace, he was attacked by a pack of orcs. They killed him and his horse, but evidently did not notice you. When the elf who was sent to bare you to Mirkwood did not return, we supposed that he was dead, and you aswell. No one, made any connection between Irithial's disappearance and your discovery however. Neither did I, until I first saw you, fully grown. You see, you look very like Irithial's sister. I knew, at that moment, that Irithial must have survived, but died giving birth to you."

"Who was my mother's sister?" Asked Tauriel.

"Her name was Celebrian. She was Irithial's younger sister. She married Elrond of Rivendell, and has a daughter, Arwin. She was captured and by orcs in the Misty Mountains, and was wounded badly, forcing her to sail to the gray havens very much earlier than she wanted to."

"But wasn't Celebrian-"
"My daughter. Yes, she was. I lost both my children, and I have never forgiven myself."
"Then.... You are my grandmother!" Gasped Tauriel.
"Yes, you are right. I am Irithial's mother. Celeborn is your grandfather."

The morning after this surprising discovery, Tauriel and Legolas departed and returned to Mirkwood, where Thranduil was waiting for  them. Galadriel had said to tell Thranduil about how Tauriel was Galadriel's granddaughter for he would be very pleased that Tauriel was in fact part Gray Elf.

After meeting with Thranduil they went up to their room.
"So much has happened!" Said Tauriel
"I always used to try and imagine my parents, but I never even thought that my mother might be Galadriel's daughter!"

"I know!" Replied Legolas "but it's even better than you think, because now we all have what we wished for".
Tauriel looked slightly confused, so he went on.
"I am marrying you, you have found love in me, and father is getting his son married to a Gray Elf."

This was true, of course, thought Tauriel. Everything was perfect now.

With only two months until their wedding, Tauriel, Legolas and the rest of the elves of Mirkwood were spending alot of time planning. They were going to hold the wedding in the large garden around the back of the palace. The seamstresses were kept busy by all the new outfits that needed to be made, and whole palace was undergoing a thorough cleaning.

Hundreds of guests had been invited from all over middle earth, including Bard the king of Dale and his children, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, Elrond of Rivendell and his daughter Arwin, Haldier, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori,Ori, Nori, Oin and Gloin, the ten dwarves that had survived the battle of five armies. There had been thirteen, but Thorin, Fili and Kili had all been killed by the orcs.

Tauriel's heart ached, remembering kili's death. She sometimes felt a little guilty that she loved Legolas now. But then, Kili would surly understand. After all, they would meet again someday, in another life.

Tauriel was sitting in her room when Legolas knocked on the door.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Yes, of course. It's your room too, remember" she replied, laughing.
"I know, but I thought I should knock incase you were doing something secret, like making your wedding dress. I'm not allowed to see it until the wedding."

Tauriel got up and went over to him. He put his arms around her, and gave her a kiss.
"Are you excited?" He asked
"More than I've ever been, Legolas" she answered, kissing him harder.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside, in the garden. They ran to the window and looked out. A group of elves were standing on the lawn. They looked as if they were about to begin carving wood for the arch that would stand at the end of the aisle. By the sound of it, Poldo, who had been sent to bring them the curved wood carving knives, had misheard the instruction and returned with half the married elleths.
"Not wives! Knives, you troll-brain!" The chief wood carver was yelling.

They both burst out laughing at this, and it was a while before they were able to stop. Then they left the bedroom and decided to do some archery practice. Down next to the armoury, were the targets were, they met Tauriel's best friend, Filauria. She was a young, dark haired elf who was also one of the Guard. She was the same age as Tauriel, but rather smaller.

When she spotted them, she beamed and went over to them at once.
" Here's the perfect prince and his lovely new princess-to-be!" Cried Filauria, bowing low to each of them, and then bursting into laughter and hugging them both.

They spent the rest of the day shooting with Filauria. When it started to get dark, they walked back up to their room, and changed for dinner. They were dining with Thranduil that evening, as he wanted to discuss wedding plans with them. Again.

Hi readers, I'm back again. This chapter took ages, but never mind. Next chapter will be about the wedding. I hope it turns out ok. If you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote. Thanks 😁


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