(Ch 7) sweet girl of mine

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hey :') thanks so much if you're still reading this story and liking it. and it means so much to see the comments that u leave like truly

also can u tell me if you'd like me to add more texting or more paras ?? thx <3 




"i can't believe him!" nat shouted, "he's so- ugh!" 

harry had called nat over after zayn had dropped him off, she come rushing through the door asking him if he was alright and apologizing about not stopping him. 

he couldn't blame her really, zayn was really scary. 

he told nat everything that happened, about how he had to explain to zayn that he was not an object he could own. 

"i know!" harry exclaimed, stuffing his face with french fries he had made from scratch. 

"harry you should stay away from him, he's insane. you should've seen the way it looked when he dragged you out, it was so crazy! all of us were just as shocked as you were." nat went on. 

"do you think i want to be around him? he's scared me enough." he sat back on his bed, "he won't let me be." 

his phone binged. 

"enough about zayn!" nat whined, "he's an annoying brat, he is all we talk about these days." 

nat was right, zayn was the only thing on his mind only because he was super annoying. 

they spent the next hour talking about nat and how she was kind of progressing with tyler. they talked about the universities they were aiming to get in and what they wanted to do in the future and before he knew it, it was past 10 pm. 

"I need to go!" nat gasped, "i told mom i'd be home by nine!" 

"why don't you stay over!?" harry suggested but nat shook her head.

"can't, its my turn to take wolfie out for a walk tomorrow or mom will kick me out of the house." she let out a despondent sigh, "i'll meet you at school and discuss ways of avoiding zayn malik." 

harry smiled, "cool." 

he dropped her off till her car and watched her drive off, he was sad that he was going to have to spend the night alone because his mom was on a date and she had told him she wasn't going to make it home. 

he shuddered at the thought of his mom doing stuff with her new boyfriend. 

he walked in the kitchen and heated up the chicken his mom had made for him before she went for her date, stuffed it in his favorite bowl and took it to the living room, deciding to cuddle up against the couch and watch something romantic on netflix. 

he checked his phone, remembering that it had dinged before. 

it was from an unknown number again. 

unknown number to me:  


(its zayn again

me to weirdo: 

(now what

(why are you texing me from a different number) 

weirdo to me: 

(because you blocked my old number) 

(don't block this one though) 

clingy [zs]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя