Chapter 2

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Patsy’s POV

I pulled into a parking spot behind the bakery around three in the afternoon. It was a good thing I had the morning shift today so I could help Hattie out. I got out of the car and rang the bell for her apartment. I only waited a moment before the door opened and there was Hattie. She looks like the wholesome girl next door that every mother prays their son brings home. She is pretty for sure with her warm brown hair and dark sky blue eyes. “Hi Hattie are you ready?”

“Yuppers let’s get this show on the road.” She answered. I had to smile at her response.

We chatted as we got into the car and drove to my favorite discount store. They always have everything you can think of and more. We took our time going through the aisles looking at stuff neither of us needed but we had the time and were enjoying just talking with each other. Eventually I asked her “so did you have a beau back in Illinois?” I raised my eyebrows suggestively. I try again to her a read on her but it is like her mind is closed off. I can get some feelings but nothing concrete.

She looked down at her feet and said “Definitely not. I haven’t found someone worth it.”

“Maybe you will find someone worth it here? I know some fine looking men in these here parts.” I used my best southern accent but she wouldn’t look up.

“Maybe you are right, something about being here just feels right. You know? So what do you want for dinner?” She finally looked up with a shake of her head and a small smile.

“I have been dying for lasagna.” I said with hope shining in my eyes.

“I just happen to know how to make a mean lasagna. Let’s go to the food aisles for my groceries and fixings for lasagna.” She smiled and walked off with me following behind.

“Wait up. So how much did you bring with you from Illinois? Was it just the bag you had at the diner yesterday?” I asked her hoping to change the subject and lighten the mood again.

“Yeah just the one bag, I will have to wait a while before I can buy some new clothes because I won’t get a check for about two weeks.” She replied frowning. I noticed her jeans were a little tight so I am guessing she will start to show soon. She won’t make it two weeks without new clothes.

“Well I know of the best consignment shop we can go to. It has all different sizes and even shoes. The quality is great too.” Maybe I should talk to Sally about giving her a little advance in her pay too?

“I love consignment stores. We should go in a couple weeks when I get paid. I need to use the funds I will have left after this for food for the next couple of weeks. So when I get paid we can go.” She smiled.

“Are you a closet shopaholic?” I said laughing at the grin spreading across her face.

“Maybe, ok yes I am, shopping is just too fun.” And with that we got down to business getting the fixings for dinner.

Hattie’s POV

We had a great time shopping and Patsy helped me carry everything in. As she helped me in the kitchen with the lasagna I couldn’t help but think I should have told her everything but I am too ashamed and embarrassed. I would have to tell her soon before I started showing though. “So” I started thinking of anything to break the silence and get my thoughts off my troubles “what do you do for fun?”

“Hmm what do I do? I read and love movies. I do spend time in the woods around town sometimes. It is beautiful around here.” She paused to turn around and look at me. “If you would like I can take you out this weekend? There are trails all over.” She said as she put down the knife she was using to cut veggies for a salad.

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