Chapter 19

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Logan’s POV

All I can smell is Patsy. All I can hear is Patsy. I can’t feel her though. All I can feel is the pain. My chest feels like an elephant stomped right through it.

Patsy keeps saying I am going to be ok. That she is going to change me, be with me the whole time. Everything is going to be ok. I don’t think she is right. I can feel myself slipping away. Breathing is becoming so hard. Lifting a car sounds easier than to take the next breathe.

I felt Patsy touch my wrist. Then I could feel her lifting my wrist into the air. I left her lips on my wrist in the softest kiss and then came the pain.

Her grip on my arm tightened right before her teeth dug into my wrist. You know when you are a kid and your little sister bites you, it hurts like hell. This was so much worse. It felt like liquid fire was injected into my veins. I couldn’t get enough air in my lungs to scream. I couldn’t get any air in my lungs. She picked up my other wrist biting into it.

I suffered the pain waiting to die so it would stop but then my lungs filled with air. I exhaled. They filled again. I thought the pain would go away now that I was breathing but right as I thought I could handle the pain, she brushed her hand through my hair tilting my head to the side. I heard her take a large breath in then bite down on my neck.

This time I could scream. My lungs kept filling with air and instead of just breathing out all I could do was scream. The pain got worse and worse. My body burning as whatever entered my veins with her bite raced through my system. I could hear her trying to sooth me with words then I could hear her tears hit the table as she tried to keep my head still.

Her tears hit the table? How do you hear tears falling? I heard a crack but felt it in my arm as it broke. Then one after another my bones broke my left leg, my right arm, my back, the pain intensifying tenfold, my screams continuing.

“Try to relax Logan. It is the change. It will stop soon I promise.” The change, I am changing into a wolf I realized. I wonder if the puppy will still play with me after I am a wolf.

The pain is finally lessening. I could feel the hairs on my body growing, getting thicker. Rolling to the side following gravity, I realized the pain was gone. I opened my eyes and saw Patsy her face covered in tears but she was smiling.

“Logan you are a beautiful wolf. Marty help me get him on the ground.” I could feel her hands and Marty’s lifting me to the ground. My feet scrambled for traction on the slippery tiles. Once I had my footing I looked down at my feet or should I say paws. They looked strange. I have seen the wolf shifters in wolf form and they did not have paws like mine. I looked at Patsy tilting my head. ‘What is wrong with my paws?’

“You are part cougar. The cougar shifter in you is still there. So you are a mix between cougar and wolf.” She knelt down in front of me brushing her fingers through my fur. “Would you like to see what you look like?” I nodded so she stood and walked out of the room me following behind her.

She stopped in front of a mirror on the back of the door. I was something all right. You could see pieces of both cougar and wolf in me. My head was like a cougar’s but with the ears of a wolf. My fur was more like a cougar’s too, smoother. My body was more like a wolf’s except for my tail which was a little of both. The movement of a cougar’s but shorter like a wolf’s.

‘I look like Frankenshifter.’ I looked at Patsy and she was just smiling.

Kneeling down in front of me looking like an angel even with the blood stains on her white dress, she said ‘I think you are beautiful.’ She ran her hands along the sides of my face over my neck and across my sides until she wrapped her arms around my neck. Feeling her touch my in this form was so different. I didn’t feel the lust I would have when she has run her hands on me in the past. I felt loved, comforted.

‘Where is Hattie?’ I wondered why she wouldn’t be here for something like this. ‘Oh and why is Marty naked?’

“Hattie is looking for Klaira and Otto. I haven’t had a chance to get any clothes on yet. I am off to do that now and let Hattie know you are all right.” Marty said Patsy releasing me and standing up.

“You would think we would have shorts lying around for things like this but then when is the last time we were attacked?” Patsy looked down at me smiling. “Come on Logan let’s go to our room and get you some clothes before you shift back. Thanks Franny and Marty for all of your help.”  Patsy said, with both Marty and Franny answering with you’re welcome. Patsy opened the door for me letting me out and following after me.

Hattie’s POV

Klaira said her room was just a few doors down. I have looked in all of the rooms on this floor but I can’t find her. I walked down to the kitchen thinking maybe she was in there. “Klaira?” I called walking into the room. I only found Sarah though she had her back to me doing something at the counter. “Sarah, do you know where Klaira is?”

“Yeah she is in Otto’s office.” She said turning around. That’s when I saw the tears falling down her face.

“No.” Is all I could say turning around and running to Otto’s office. I threw open the door seeing her laid out on the couch with a blanket laid over her. “No not Klaira.” I walked over to the couch kneeling down. I laid my hand on her shoulder. “Thank you Klaira.” I whispered then I let the tears fall. I put my head on her shoulder. She gave her life for all of us, to save her son to give him a chance to meet his mate. I didn’t think she would actually die though. I figured she would lock her door and be fine. I didn’t even here anyone come up the stairs. They would have had to walk by the sitting room to get to any of the bedrooms.

“She came down to my office to make the calls. I know she told you she was going to her room but she lied. She must have known none of you would have let her leave.” I turned around and there was Otto, tears trailing down his face. I tried to stand but couldn’t so I stayed on the ground.

“You know she did it for you. So you would have a chance to find your mate. She knew without help we wouldn’t win. She couldn’t let that happen, not to you.” He nodded a sob escaping. “Come here Otto cry on my shoulder. You shouldn’t have to cry alone.” He got down next to me putting his face in the crook of my neck.

With my arms around him I said. “She isn’t alone you know. She is with your father now, they are happy to be together in heaven with God. We talked when we cooked so I know she is in heaven. She believed in God and Jesus and all of that stuff. So miss her but remember she isn’t gone forever just until we get to heaven ok?”

“You are right Hattie.” He said nodding his head and sniffing hard. “Let me help you up. I need to make sure everyone is alright.” With ease he helped me off the ground. I patted his shoulder and left to find Marty. He will know how Logan is doing.

Opening the door of Otto’s office there was Marty on the other side looking at me with such sadness. “Come here.” I opened my arms again and help him as tight as I could. “She was like another mother to you huh?” He nodded continuing to cry. “Sam will take it just as hard won’t he?” Marty froze not even breathing.

Sniffing hard while leaning back he looked at me asking “Have you seen Sam?”

I stopped breathing. “Not him too. Find him Marty. You go out and find him. Don’t come back until you have found him. You hear me?” He nodded and took off running stripping down so he could shift once he got outside.

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