Chapter 22

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I know I promised this yesterday but I got side tracked by a good story from here on Wattpad.

Sam’s POV

Blonde hair and blue eyes on the sweetest face I have ever seen. What a sight to see after seeing nothing but the back of my eye lids for weeks. She was so beautiful; I was waiting to see her angel wings fluttering behind her.

When I was finally able to look away from Andi’s face I started looking down her body and got stuck at her stomach. Well I guess we are having a baby. I looked at Marty and said, “I think I am going to be a Dad first.” Everyone laughed then started talking at once.

“Sam you scared me.” Patsy said tears still trailing down her face.

“Now you’re the one who smells,” from Hattie as she smiled from ear to ear. I couldn’t let that go so I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Wow four Teleios in the pack that’s great!” Otto said. “Oh congrats on finding your mate too,” Otto threw in on the end smiling sheepishly.

Marty just shook his head at everyone and said, “Congratulations to both of you.” Stepping back he pulled Hattie along with him. “Come on everyone let’s give them some time alone.”

Patsy came to the head of my bed and kissed my forehead. “I missed you. Don’t ever do that again or I will put you down myself.” She stood up and walked to the door. Right before she left she turned and said, “You probably have only a short time before Mom and Dad show up so be prepared. I am calling them now.”

“Thanks Patsy.” I smiled at her hoping she sees that how much I love her. How many sisters would sit at their brother’s bedside like she has for me.

“No problem.” With that is was just Andi and me.

Looking back at her I saw she was staring at our hands. “Do you feel it?” I said to her. She nodded biting her lip.

“Tell me something about yourself, anything. All I know is, you look like an angel.” I smiled as she blushed a deep red. I tried to sit up to see her better but it was a struggle as I was weak from being in one place so long. She placed her arm around my shoulders to help me and the contact on my skin felt like heaven but she let go when I was sitting facing her with my legs hanging off the bed.

“I’m not sure what there is to tell. I was found by Tank’s pack when I escaped and then brought here. Everyone has been wonderful to me and the others.” She looked up at me through her lashes.

“You’re the one that escaped? You will have to tell me the whole story someday.” I lifted her chin looking into her eyes. “For now I was wondering if I could kiss you.”

Her eyes widened but she smiled a split second later. She placed her hand on my cheek and said, “I never thought I would have a mate let alone someone like you. Seeing how everyone worried and waited for you to wake up tells me that you are very important to them. That you are loved by so many shows you are loving in return. So yes kiss me.” She took a step towards me at the end of her little speech her smile never wavering. She didn’t have to tell me twice. With my hands tunneling into her hair I kissed her pulling her between my legs. She let out a breathy little moan.

Ending the kiss I asked, “So are we having a boy or a girl?” She just laughed showing me her gorgeous smile again.

Hattie’s POV

So everyone was either still eating or leaning back groaning because they were so full. We weren’t able to have the whole pack for a sit down dinner but we had all that wanted to come. Some had dinners at home and some went away to visit friends or family but no one was alone.

Looking around the table I couldn’t help but smile as everyone seemed so happy even after all the tragedy they still find things to be thankful for, Sam most of all. He hasn’t stopped smiling or whispering in Andi’s ear for that matter. I heard her whisper back, “Then say something. We could all use a little exercise after all this food.”

“Ok I will.” He whispered back. In a loud voice Sam said, “Excuse me everyone. What would you all say to a friendly Nerf war!” Everyone just sat and stared but Otto and Marty were smiling like kids at Christmas.

“Yeah that a great idea. Come on Hattie you will love it.” He tugged me up out of my chair.

“What about all of these dishes?” I asked.

“I promise they will be here when we come back in. Who’s coming?” Marty asked looking around.

In total we had ten people playing. Marty, Otto, Sam, Andi, Logan, Patsy, Seth, Frank, and Me for adults but Tom the four year old who came with Andi wanted to play too. Everyone got their Nerf gun and some ammo.

“Some are we doing teams or just keep shooting at each other?” Logan asked.

“Usually we just shoot at each other until we get tired or bored.” Sam said.

“Sounds good to me.” Logan said as he loaded his gun. Of course he chose a rifle that had a huge clip. I am hiding behind someone. Ah Marty should offer me enough cover. So I took the one shot I knew I would get on my brother and shot him right in the chest. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. “It’s on.”

I got behind Marty but he took off running towards cover so I was left to be pummeled by Logan. “Mercy on the pregnant woman!” I yelled pulling my sunglasses down for a little protection. No one else thought to wear them. I was ducking my head trying to get out of the line of fire.

I turned to see where Logan was when I felt a disc hit my eye and get stuck in my glasses. I stood there for just a moment then freaked pulling my glasses off and throwing them on the ground. “Ah man how the heck did I do that? Marty!” I kept trying to blink my eye but I couldn’t get it to open. I had no pain but I can’t get my eye to open. “Marty I can’t get my eye to open!”

When I finally calmed down and just kept my eye closed I listened and realized everyone was laughing. “How did the one person wearing glasses get hit in the eye?” Marty laughed some more coming over to me and lifting my chin trying to get a look at my eye. I turned my chin away pouting. “You are fine but let’s get you some ice on your eye.” He was still smiling but he was at least trying to help me.

“Keep playing we will be back in a minute when my eye will open again.” I said to everyone. Of course Sam hadn’t stopped shooting at Otto. So the game went on as I got some ice. “Marty who got me in the eye?”

“Um about that…” He looked down then up. “Well that was me.” As my jaw dropped he went on, “I’m sorry I figured you would be fine because of your glasses.” He looked so sorry I couldn’t stay mad.

“No really harm done as it doesn’t actually hurt> Is it swelling at all?” I asked him.

“No you look as beautiful as ever.” He brushed his hand across my cheek pulling my head towards his. “You look perfect.” He smiled. He kissed me light and sweet lingering for a second kiss.

“Let’s get that ice I am gonna get you back mister.” I smirked and walked into the kitchen.

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