Chapter 14

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I just wanted to thank you all for reading, commenting, and fanning me!! I had no idea one person would read it let alone I would get to over 1000 reads for the whole book. You are all amazing and make me smile with your comments and giddy when I see the reads go up each day! Thank you!!!

Unknown's POV

The view from this tree gives me see not only the driveway but also gives me a clear view into her room. She left her curtains open so I know she didn't sleep in her room last night. So I waited for something to report or my chance to get my hands on her. One of these days they are going to slip up. That is when I will slip in and take her back where she belongs. Well at least until the cubs are out then she is dead.

We tried keeping the women and having them breed one after another but only the first cub was a Teleios. The second was just a normal shifter. Some of the guys had trouble killing cubs so we stopped breeding them after the first few women couldn't produce a second Teleios. That is when we started killing them after we have the cubs out of them.

Her door finally opened and in she walked. As she started stripping her clothes off I finally got a good look at how fat her she is getting. She looks like that heifer Jessica Simpson. I saw a picture of her while waiting in line at the store the other day. That Nick guy got out when the getting was good. I will have to let the boss know she is getting fat faster than the others did.

Being that it is after nine in the morning, I know she isn't going to work today. So where is she going? I got my phone out to call in what I just saw.

"Talk," is the only thing said on the other end of the phone. He is lucky he is stronger than me or I would have ripped his head off for talking to me that way.

"The girl didn't stay in her room last night but when she came back in this morning I saw her stripping down. She is getting really fat for how far along she is supposed to be." Hopefully I will get my chance to take her soon because it is starting to get cold here in NY. I am sick of spending all of my time watching this stupid brat.

"Is she fat everywhere or just her stomach?" His tone of voice makes me sneer. He always sounds like he is waiting for his chance to kill me. Like he knows everything and I know nothing! I will teach him one day. I will show him he is the one who knows nothing.

"Just her stomach is fat." I answered keeping my feelings out of my voice.

"Get her immediately. She may be having twins. I expect her in Indiana by tomorrow." With that he hung up.

So I waited to see if she is going somewhere. If I am really lucky she will go out without her normal bodyguard brother. He is always packing at least one gun usually three that I can see. We have quite a bit of information about Logan and Hattie. Like we know Logan is the best shot, short or long range of any officer in Illinois. We also know Hattie couldn't defend herself from a fly. So I need her away from the men and I can take her easily.

A car finally pulled up driven by Hattie's friend Patsy. I watched her make her way inside the house. Her I could take. She may be a shifter but she is only a female that I could easily over power. I make my way down the tree as Hattie just closed her curtains. If only they knew that there was someone on their land right now but they don't and won't unless they see me with their own eyes. They have no idea we have found a way to mask our scent. They smell my trail and only smell a deer. A deer on their land is strange but won't raise alarms of an intruder.

My patience was finally rewarded as I saw Hattie leave the house with only Patsy. I sprinted to my car so I can follow them where ever they are going. I felt the burn in my legs as I pushed my cougar form to go faster. This is finally my chance I will not let it slip away. I made it to the car as they passed by. I tossed on a pair of shorts and slammed the car into drive. I caught up to them easily as they weren't going more than five over the speed limit.

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