Chapter 18

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Hattie’s POV

“Logan you better be dying. That’s all I have to say.” I looked at him after he went down. He didn’t move. “This is not an old movie like we watched as kids. Get up.”

“Not dying but I was shot in my side. I finally got to use that line.” He struggled to his hands and knees. I could see Patsy peeking over the couch watching him.

“Stay down Logan, I am coming to you.” She made her way to Logan crouched over to not get shot herself. “Let me see.” She pushed his shirt up to see the damage. “Hattie it went in one side and out the other.”

“Where Patsy? Where was he hit?” I was ducking my head this way and that trying to see his wound.

“It hit his back and came out his chest.” Patsy said her voice wavering as we watched blood drip onto the floor. With her hand hovering over the wound she looked at me and mouthed the word help.

“Ok we need something to slow the bleeding.” Logan started coughing and I have watched enough TV shows to know that is only good when you have a cold. He spit out some blood out onto the floor. “Just because you are shot doesn’t give you the right to spit in the house.” I tried to joke but no one laughed. I looked around trying to find anything to stop the bleeding.

“Blankets. There are blankets in the closet in the corner.” Sarah said holding Cullen close. Bless that baby. He hasn’t cried once in fact he is sleeping through all of this. I heaved myself to my hands and knees and crawled over.

“I knew I should have invited Franny. She would have come in handy right now.” I mumbled getting the blankets out. I dragged three over. “Here patsy you take one side I will take the other. Sit down Logan.” He sat down with Patsy behind him putting pressure on his back with me at his front.

“There is still a shooter out there.” He panted. “I have to get the shooter before the reinforcements get here.”

“You’re right as people come they will be picked off. The second sniper won’t fall for the same thing twice so we need a new idea.” I looked at Logan. He had his eyes closed he was going to be no help.

“How about we throw something out the window?” Sally offered.

“Good idea. OK now Logan, can you make the shot?” I asked

“Yeah but Patsy you are going to need to help me hold still.” Logan started to get up letting out a loud groan. “Hand me my rifle Hattie.”

“Here Logan.” I put the rifle back on the table he used before. A shot sounded hitting the wall. I dropped to the floor in a ball covering my stomach with both arms. “Ok we need to move the table to the other window.” On my hands and knees still I dragged the table to the other window. I put the rifle on the table staying down low to the floor.

Patsy started helping Logan over to the table slowly. It took much longer than I would have liked. When they were finally set up I crawled to the wall between the windows taking off my flip flop I looked at Logan and Patsy.

“1, 2, 3, throw.” I threw my white flip flop out the window and sure enough he shot at it. Logan shot right away too. Keeping his eye to the scope he said. “I got him. Throw something else to see if there is another one.”

I threw the other flip flop but we heard nothing. “I think they were it.” I crawled over to Logan and Patsy. “Logan you need a doctor.”

“I know. I need to lie down.” With those words he passed out. Patsy caught him before his head hit the floor laying him down.

“Grab the blankets Hattie.” Her voice shook but she kept brushing her hand through his hair.

I crawled over again because walking would require getting up and I can’t on my own. “Here.” I handed one blanket to her again and used the other myself. “Sally can you go to the window and listen for sounds of fighting?”

Sally went to the window staying low just in case and listened. We all stayed silent hoping she would hear nothing. “They are still fighting.” She looked at me shaking her head.

“Ok stay at the window.” I tried to think of something we could do for Logan but I could think of nothing. Hopefully Klaira will come back soon. “All we can do is wait.” I said looking at Logan’s face starting to get scared.

Marty’s POV

‘Hattie what is going on?’ Every part of me hurt. I have only a few scratches but I have been fighting for at least an hour. ‘I hope you have help coming soon.’ I was able to head off the ones trying to go around the side of the house at least but new shifters just kept coming.

‘Klaira went to get her phone to call for help she isn’t back yet.’ I dodged a swipe to my back leg turning as I did so to get into position to take him out. Right before I sank my teeth into his neck I was hit from the side sliding along the ground. I jumped up and kept fighting. New fighters just kept coming. They had to have come with sixty fighters. I saw a new wolf run around the side of the house, then another and another. Help finally.

‘The cavalry is here!’ I started fighting with renewed strength. Hah we have help now suckers!! More wolves just kept coming. Soon we were outnumbering them. When the last one was dead I shifted back to human form racing inside and up the stairs.

“They’re dead let me in Hattie!” I yelled pounding on the door. Otto came up behind me. “Your Mom isn’t in here she went to her room to use her phone to call for help.” Otto raced down the hall to his Mom’s room.

The door opened. There on the floor was my mate covered in blood. Well not covered but there was blood and that isn’t acceptable. I ran to her. “Are you hurt?”

“No Logan was shot.” She started to cry.

“Hattie he will be ok. Sally, go find a phone and call Franny.” I covered her hands with mine taking over applying pressure. “Hattie it will be ok. We may need to change him sooner than planned is all.”

Her head snapped up. “What? Change him sooner? That will heal him?”

I nodded. “Yeah that will help heal him. The bullet went clean through right?” She nodded. “That’s good.”

Sally ran back in. “Franny is on the way. She said to get him into her office onto the table in the back. She will be here in fifteen minutes.”

“Go get a couple guys to come in here to help move him. Then go find Frank.” I looked into Hattie’s eyes. “Kiss me.” When she just stared at me I said. ‘Please?’ She leaned over and kissed me hard.

“This sucks. They aren’t allowed to do this again. They just aren’t.” She looked so determined, like she could stop this from ever happening with her will alone.

“Things will change that is for sure.” In walked two guys with shorts on. More than I have lucky stiffs. “Come here guys let’s get him into Franny’s office.”

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