Chapter 20

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Marty’s POV

Running towards the kitchen to go out the back door I started stripping until I was left in only my boxers. As I went through the kitchen I called out “Sam is MIA we need it find him. Anyone not injured start looking.”

Leaping off the steps I shifted into my panther starting with a quick search around the house trying to find his scent. The scent of deer was almost over powering. That is something we need to investigate later but for now Sam is my first priority. Sam is not just a pack mate, not just a friend. He is like a brother to me. Otto, Sam and I, we grew up together. As kids we did everything together.

Our first shift was even the same week. I can remember running through the woods together as kids sleeping out under the stars in our animal form. We were ten that first summer, running through these woods to the pond playing in the water and sleeping in the soft grass by the ponds edge. I wanted him there for when I took the kids on their first run. He needs to find his own mate too.

I ran in a larger circle around the house trying to catch his scent. On the side of the house I finally found it leading into the woods. About half a mile away from the house I noticed I was almost to the cabin. I started running faster. ‘Hattie let any males you can find know to come to the cabin. Sam went this way.’

‘Sure Frank and Sally are with me I will let him know and find as many as I can.’ When I was pretty close I heard the sounds of fighting. No.

I broke through the tree line and saw Seth and Sam fighting way too many cats. They must have come for Welkes.

I jumped onto the closest shifter methodically making my way to Sam and Seth. Once I was to them we formed a circle watching each other’s backs. They seemed tired but whole for the time being.

There were only five left when the unthinkable happened. One of the cougars took a swipe at Sam leaving a hole in his side about an inch wide but five inches long. It must have been deep because blood started pouring out. He went down after finishing the guy off. Seth and I started fighting back to back or butt to butt however you want to say it. We took out the last four in minutes.

When the last one fell we shifted fast checking on Sam. There was a rock under his head but his head wasn’t bleeding. Hopefully it won’t affect him. “We need to get him back to the house. Is Welkes still in there?” I asked Seth.

“I don’t know. When they showed up Greg and I were fighting them ourselves until Sam showed up to help. Greg was taken out then you came finally and you know the rest. I don’t know if anyone let him out.” Seth answered as more wolves came through the trees.

“Hey Frank can you check to see if Welkes is still in the cell? Brett and Connor can you help me and Seth carry Sam?” Between the four of us we carried Sam back to the house without jostling him too much.

‘Hattie open the kitchen door we have Sam but he’s hurt.’ The next instant the door was flung open. Patsy was at the door crying.

“Get Franny! He is hurt pretty bad.” Patsy ran through the house screaming for Franny to get to her office. We couldn’t all make it through the door at the same time so they helped get Sam into my arms and I carried him the rest of the way.

Otto came up behind me. “How is he?”

“He is bleeding pretty bad. Franny has her work cut out for her.” I said making my way into Franny’s office for the second time today.

Putting him on the cleaned table I grabbed the gauze from the cabinet. Franny came in seeing Sam laid out on the table. “Oh Sam you poor thing.”

She started doing her thing slowing the bleeding seeing what was really wrong to cause that much bleeding. Marty was still in his wolf form with his eyes closed. If you looked at his face only, you would think he was just sleeping. I must have stood there for a good hour before she broke me from my stupor.

“You got him here in time, I have stopped the bleeding. The rest will be up to him. He has a head injury as well and that he needs to heal on his own.” She said with just a hint of sadness in her voice. She turned back to work on him some more. “Marty, go to Hattie let her and everyone know how he is doing. I will call for help if I need it.”

“Ok Franny.” I turned around going to search for Hattie. Hopefully everything will work out but by the way she said it was up to him I’m not so sure.

I found everyone in the kitchen eating, well actually picking at their food. Checking the clock on the wall I saw it was after midnight. I sighed everyone loved Klaira. She took care of everyone if they needed help here at the house. The whole pack will feel her passing.

“Hey guys. Franny stopped the bleeding from Sam’s side. The problem is he has some kind of brain injury as well. She said healing that will be up to him.” With tears in my eyes I went to Hattie to comfort her and get some for myself as well. Sam. I can’t believe Sam of all people is the one hurt. He is the crazy one always with a joke or prank.

Picking her up and sitting her in my lap I held her tight, praying as hard as I could that we wouldn’t lose another pack member. Otto abruptly stood up and stormed out of the house. I guess he couldn’t take anymore.

We were all quiet in our own thoughts when the doorbell rang. We all looked at each other for almost a full minute before the doorbell chimed again. Then it hit me. Tank the women the children. “I knew we forgot something.”

Escaping to a New Life (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora