Chapter 26

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Crap they are getting way too close to the pack house. 'Patsy let Otto know they are ten minutes out from the pack house.' We were coming up to the last turn off before the pack house and if they get any closer the fight would be right at our front door.

'There is a road block ahead detouring them down the side road. We will attack once they are out of sight of the road.' Patsy answered.

'Perfect. We are coming to the turn now.' This wolf speed is amazing I have kept up with them since the hotel without being too tired. Hopefully this fight will be over quickly. 'They are making the turn now. I am going to hold back just for a second to catch my breath.'

'Ok I'll let Otto know.' How is she letting Otto know if she is back at the pack house? I doubt Otto is chatting on the phone when his pack is about to fight.

As I caught my breath ten guys came out and started taking down the road block. That's how they were getting away with it. Great idea Otto.

I took off wanting to get to the fight as soon as possible in case Patsy was in the thick of things. Crashing through the trees I made it to where they were fighting in minutes. The cats had gotten out of the car but I saw some never made it too far from the car doors before being taken out.

Looking around, searching for Patsy, I saw a cougar close to ripping a wolf’s throat out so I jumped in and attacked the cougar taking his throat out instead. Going from cat to cat I searched for Patsy if she is even here.

Finding Otto on the other side of the fight I figured she wasn’t here, so I joined the fight in earnest. Taking down any cat I came across, down went the cougar with a pounce on his back and a whip of my neck after clamping my teeth on the side of his neck. Next I turned just in time to take chunk out of a panther’s side, ripping out part of a rib bone. He howled in pain until I put him out of his misery by snapping his neck.

‘Look behind you.’ Patsy said in my mind. I snapped my head to the side just as a panther was about to pounce. Scrambling out of the way in the nick of time I reversed direction biting his back leg.

‘Patsy where you?’ She better not be here but how else did she see that guy coming up behind me. Unable to move out of the way the damn panther took a bite out of my ass.

‘Hey only I can do that! I am in a tree so don’t worry.’ Patsy said in my head.

Good she is not in danger, now let’s clean house or forest. Whatever. There were only a few cats left, including one cougar that I bet is dear old Dad. Shifting back to human form I yelled, “Mason show yourself!”

A cougar attacking a wolf that look to be guarding a tree jumped back away from the wolf and snarled at me. “Hey Dad why don’t we talk?” As the last cats were taken out Mason was surrounded.

Shifting as well Otto said, “Mason there is nothing you are going to do now. You are on your own its over. Now SHIFT!”

Every wolf and cat that hadn’t died yet shifted against their will. I sure didn’t see that coming, and by the look on his face neither did Otto.

“So figured out you had more power than you thought huh little wolf?” Mason sneered. He watched as Patsy climbed down out of the tree she had hid in.

“Change is good. Now tell us where your camp is and you death will be swift.” Otto growled.

“Ha wouldn’t you like that? I will let this all play out, maybe you will torcher me long enough for the true head of all of this to take you all down. Hahaha!” He just kept laughing like an evil hyena.

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