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Her reaction to me waking her up made me wonder how her life with her mother was. Countless situations ran through my head, each one worse than the last. Normally I would just feel the need to punish people but when I thought about what could've happened to her I became upset. I didn't want to believe that anything could've happened to her, or that I wasn't there to stop it. I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, bringing myself back to reality. Her multicolored eyes staring at me, filled with fear and surprise. She looked tired -drained even.

"I just came to check on you. My apologies for startling you." I said as I held my hand out to help her up.

She didn't take my hand and stood up on her own giving me a meek 'Sorry'.

"Don't apologize, love. I was the one who scared you." I was a bit confused as to why she was apologizing.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor, the bed's right over there?" I asked as I stood.

Her eyes followed me as I stood up then looked away.

"I didn't know if I was allowed-" I cut her off.

"Why wouldn't you be?" I asked confused

"I...." She stopped.

"Nevermind. You can use the bed tonight. " I said, wanting her to be more comfortable around me.

*Your P.O.V.*

"Why don't we get some breakfast?" He said as he held out his hand for you to take.

You stared at his hand then looked away, hoping he would understand that you didn't want to take it. He retracted his hand with a subtle look of hurt. You followed him back out into the penthouse. He had a few plates laid out, each with different breakfast food.

"I didn't know what you liked so I ordered everything," He said in a cheery tone.

He pulled out a seat and sat down in one next to it. You just stood there. He gave you a confused look then gestured to the seat.

"Come, sit." He said in a welcoming tone.

Your hesitancy grew. you didn't know if he was testing you or not, so you just stood there with a blank face, like you had been taught. He stood up and walked towards you. He was upset, he was going to hit me! you immediately started to back up, and he stopped.

"Darling, you don't needn't be afraid of me. I would never hurt you." He said, clearly sad.

You wanted to believe him but everything in your body was telling you to stay on guard. He stepped back and sat down in the same chair. He gestured for you to sit down next to him. It was gentler than the previous time and slower. He wasn't upset. He didn't hurt me, but I still don't want to give him a chance. Every time I do that It goes bad. But maybe, I could? Just one last time. No. I can't. It'll just happen again. But I want to. Why do I want to? You slowly approached the seat across from him and pulled it out to sit in. (there's one seat between you and him) You watched his reaction as you sat down, waiting to be yelled at. But, it never came. No yelling. No hitting. He just gave you a soft smile and turned to the table.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"W-what??" you stuttered out.

you knew what he meant but you were hesitant. you had never been given a choice. Hell, your clothes weren't even your choice. You were never allowed to choose what you ate. When you were fed you cherished the food you got. But even so, you were hardly fed, and when you were you got yelled at.

"I-I'm not hungry," you said just above a whisper.

You had become accustomed to this response. When your mother took you on dates with her you always responded like this. Sometimes the men were decent and offered to get me something, but you knew that if you didn't decline you'd be punished. Other times the men complimented your mother on how good you were and she smiled. You felt good in those moments. Making her smile. She looked happy. Even though the second you left she was back to her old self, you were glad you could make her happy when you could. 

A/n hey guys!! I'm so sorry for the late update. I promise I'm not ditching the story just yet. I actually ended up getting myself a bit behind in schoolwork just because it's online and I have issues doing online work. Anyway, I'm sure you don't care about my random crap, so here's an update. I apologize if some times I's show up instead of yous. I originally wrote most of these parts in the first person so I'm converting them to second person. As always, let me know what you think and have a wonderful day/evening/night.


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