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"Can you check your own wounds?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"I'll get the medkit," Alex said as he left.

"Here kid" he slid the box over to her.

"We'll go wait in the kitchen while you patch yourself up." Alex grabbed my arm and pulled us into the kitchen.

We stood there for an hour before we went to the living room to check on her. As far as I could tell she had wrapped almost all the way up her arms and around her torso, as well as put a couple of bandages on her legs.

"It looks like the snow is easin up. You think you can make the trip to our car? We can take you to the station to find your parents" Alex suggested gently.

After a while, we had convinced her to put on one of our jackets and come down the mountain with us.

In the car, she did nothing but shiver but I didn't think it was just from the cold.

"hospital" I mouthed to Alex and gestured to the kid in the backseat.

He nodded back.

A few turns later and the kid stiffened.

"Where are, are we go-going?" she asked.

"We're going to take you to a hospital, okay? You need to be checked out. They'll call your parents there, alright?" Alex looked back at her.

"No, no no. please. No" She panicked.

I slowed the car as she began to pull at the door.

"Hey, hey don't do that. It's dangerous" I said as Alex reached back to stop her.

"No. Let me out. I can't. Let me go!" She kept pulling at the door.

"Kid stop. You're going to hurt yourself." Alex said.

"I'll pull over," I said.

Alex was preparing to jump in the back seat as we stopped, but before the car halted the backdoor was thrown open and the kid had darted down the street.

*Your P.O.V.*

You pulled at the door handle and slammed your body against it. No after how much you pleaded the door didn't budge and they didn't change directions.

The lock. Car doors lock!!!

You yanked the lock up and slammed the door open, scraping your arm as you tumbled to the asphalt. You jumped to your feet and took off into the residence.

You knew they were following you, so you took a bunch of paths between the houses and hid there. Eventually, they lost you.

~MANY hours later~

You had been walking all day. No one had paid you any mind. They probably just thought you were some weird anemic kid. You were glad you still had the jacket. Otherwise, people might've called the cops on you.

Your stomach growled and you ignored it. The pain that resonated through every fiber of your being seemed to fill your stomach, if not actually. You checked street signs and directions and kept your mind occupied with other thoughts as you made your way home.

I'm cold. Everything hurts so much. But at least I'm not at the hospital. She would have hated that. They poke, and prod, and stab, and ask too many questions. Maybe I should be dead. Then I wouldn't be like this. Would it be warm in hell? Maybe too warm. But warm. Maybe She'd love me there. Maybe they'd actually come for me there. And we'd all be happy. Oh, hell sounds nice.

You fantasized about what hell would be like as you trudged your way home. Eventually, you were close enough where you could let your mind bounce around and just follow the scent of drugs and alcohol. For some reason, it was a lot stronger than it usually was.

Maybe she has friends over. You shuttered.

I'll just take the back entrance into my room then. And that's what you did when you arrived. You arrived at the gate and shimmied your way over it and eventually into the basement. It smelt horrible. Like death and drugs. Nasty. But at least she cleaned up all the water and blood. Your mattress was gone though. You curled up in the corner and begged for the heat in the rest of the house to seep into your bones overnight. Maybe you could sleep in tomorrow.

~The next day~

You had slept worse than usual, every part of you was telling you that something was wrong. That something had happened while you were gone. That whatever was about to happen you would have to deal with alone. All Alone.


wheeeeeeeee. A chapter on time and during the day(for me it's like 3 pm). I also want to let you guys know that the Votes and Ideas chapter is still open. So if you have any ideas that you wanna share or suggestions go ahead and put them there. Even if you're reading this a month after it's posted It's still open as long as it's up. I will delete It when it's closed. So go ahead and leave any suggestions or anything there!!! 

What do you guys think about a Q and A sometime in the near future??

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, and hope you're having a wonderful day/evening/night.

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