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Hello everyone. I have forgotten how many chapters I am behind so I'm just going to post this one and another one then say we're caught up. Anyway please be careful in this chapter we have quite a bit of pain and such written in here.

But I hope y'all are having a wonderful day/evening/night.

Over the next few days, you memorized their expectations. Don't speak unless spoken to and when spoken to you MUST respond in 'proper' sentences. Elbows off the table. Sit straight. Stand tall. Don't stutter. And if you can't do it the first time- you better learn to read in the dark.

You didn't know what it was exactly. A basement? A cellar? A storm shelter? It didn't really matter. It was still cold; still dark, and felt worse than the garage. There was something in there. What it was is beyond you. But it was thick and hollow at the same time. Like breathing underwater. But actually breathing. You didn't know if it scared you or if it was familiar somehow.

You had been replaying the events that got you thrown in when you felt it. You had responded wrong to a guest and so you got hit with a belt a few times then dragged to the cellar. Then suddenly you were reliving events from before.

~Yay a memory scene. Warning sensitive scenes ahead~

You sat in the closet hiccuping silently. You felt like the walls were grabbing you. Holding you down. It was suffocating. You heard the screaming from the living room. Shattering glass and groaning. The walls grew claws at the sound. Each tip like a blade against your skin. It was pulling you.


Then it started screaming.

Your ears rang at the sound. It was so high-pitched.


Why were you running? What happened? You couldn't see. There was nothing. Not black. Not white. Nonexistent. But you were running. You felt it. Your feet pounding in rhythm with your heart against something. Your body jostling as you shouldered things that weren't there. Your lungs pulling in air like there wasn't any, You knew you were alone though.

So what were you running from?

The empty suddenly became full.

Monsters ripped and clawed at each other. Sharp teeth shredding while dull claws dug holes in flesh you didn't need to see. But you did. In every sense, you had you knew you needed to see this. To see these monsters in the bottle tearing themselves apart. Fighting for space that shouldn't have been there anyway. They were all so big. How did they fit in the jar anyway? These creatures were larger than a house and yet so many of them fit into the titanic-sized bottle.


In the very back of the glass, a small web had formed. The corner of the bottle had a hole in it. And suddenly the monsters stopped. Blood dripping from their maws but all they could see was you. And they stilled.

You had to fix the crack though.

And as you approached it you fell.


You gasped as you launched up from your bed. The air nipped at your skin letting you know that you had been sweating. Your chest was tight and heavy. Your eyes blurred with tears. You wanted something to hurt. But you didn't understand why. You wanted something to be wrong. To shatter. To scream. But nothing came. And it seemed as soon as it did; it went.

Leaving behind nothing.


And that's how it introduced itself. It wasn't actually conscious. But it would fuel your mind with enough of a distraction until you got out of there.

The next morning your grandmother had let you out.

"Hold out your hands," she said.


"Come one. Out with them" she said harsher.

You held out your hands close to your chest.


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