Common Law

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A/n please be careful in this chapter.

You pulled your hands into your chest as the ruler hit your fingers.

"No. Do it again," she said.

You froze for a moment.

She reached for your hand and yanked it in front of you. Then proceed to hit the back of your hand with the ruler.

You pulled your hand back and fell into the wall.

"You better behave young lady. As of now, you've earned 5 licks instead of 2"

"What?" Wasn't the belt and the basement enough?

"Now. Hold your hands out and keep them there. Or I'll get your grandfather" She threatened.

Apparently, you took too long and she walked away.

Oh no

Now you had to run. But you knew nothing about this place. You could hide. But then again they'd eventually find you. No, they wouldn't. You only ever ate once a week anyway. Water might be an issue; but if you ran. No. You had behaved badly enough already. Just take your punishment. But why didn't she just give it to you? She had asked you to let her hit you. What punishment is that?

You hadn't had a minute to think before they both came back. Your grandfather's footsteps rang through the hall and you meekly walked backward.

He was Pissed.

~~Warning graphic scenes ahead~~

You hardly heard whatever it was that he said before his arm was pulling you towards him and into the nearest room. He had sat down on something as you squirmed and pulled away from him. You said nothing and just struggled. You had managed to pull him up a little when he used that force to pull you over his lap.

You bent your back and earned a harsh knuckle to your spine. You let out a pained breath and tried to roll off. Your momentum was stopped when he pulled you back and let your rib rest on his knee.

You cried at the feeling. Your eyes were blurry and your breathing was shallow as your arms were quickly secured with a belt.

You squirmed harder but all that got you was him moving one knee to under your hip. Where it dug into your Ilium. (it's a bone) Your cries increased and you instinctively tried to curl in on yourself. Your knees hit his feet and he held the back of your neck to secure you.

You screeched as he pulled down your pants.

"STOP! STOP PLEASE!" you begged. Finally hoping to do something to escape this.


The ruler hit your butt.

"You are not in charge here. You do as we tell you when we tell you whether you like it or not. So sit still and count" Your grandfather said sternly squeezing your neck for emphasis.



"PLEASE-----" You cried.




"Stop crying. It'll only make it worse" Your grandmother chimed in from the door.


"You better start counting before I do." Your grandfather said.




"Don't stutter. Start again"

You blearily murmured numbers hoping that they were in the right order. At some point your pants were pulled up and you were dropped to the ground. Everything either stung or burned. Your ribs ached and your left hip felt like it had been hit from the inside out. Your chest wheezed for air and your spine pinched.

"Get up. I didn' hit you that hard" Your grandfather said.

"Get up. It's time for dinner." your grandmother repeated.

~~~Warning over~~~

You couldn't hear them. Your brain was screaming too loud and your nerves were on fire. You were so confused. Your head felt like static. Dizzy and distorted. Everything had a heavy fog over it and it was getting harder to breathe.

"Get up" There was a nudge at your arm.

You wrapped your arms around your knees and buried your head.

"Get. UP" There was a kick to your back and you let out a shaky breath.

I CAN'T...... I CAn't. I can't........can't........please.........

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