sleeping Levi

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This part of my story came in my mind when I tried to to sleep at 3 a.m. :) Soo i hope you guys like it, I just thought it would be a nice turn to the relationship between Arya and Levi. It may seem a little abrupt because in chapter 7 Levi denied having anything ongoing with Arya and now their relationship just got exposed in front of the friends of Arya. Buut I kinda like this turn and also there's always a little time passing in the world of Arya between the chapters where the characters can evolve. enjoy;)

"Are you okay, Arya?"

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"Are you okay, Arya?"

I look up to my best friend Leila.

"No.. No not really."

Leila takes my hand and looks worried.

"What is it, do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't quite know myself what's going on. I think I just need a little bit silence."

"Let's go upstairs to our room, come on", she says as she gets up from her bench in front of the bonfire.

I follow her relieved. As I look back to the other bonfire were the leader of the military and the survey corps are sitting, I see Erwin and especially Levi looking at my, they seem worried.

Leila opens the door of our room ans sits down on my bed, I sit down right beside her.

If there's one thing where Leila is the undisputed genius in, it is comfort someone. We sat there for about ten minutes and talked when someone knocks on the door.

"Yeah, come on in!" Leila shouts and the door opens, Levi?!

"Hello I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I was wondered because I saw you walk away."

My cheeks feel very warm as I respond:" I'm feeling better now. Thank you for coming."

A short silence appears where no one says anything but Leila breaks the silence as she gets up and walks towards the door.

"I'm gonna let you two alone. If there is something, you can come to me okay?"

"Yes. Thanks Leila."

When she walks by him I see her suspiciously glancing over to Levi before she closes the door.

Levi comes over to my bed and sits down next to me. "I was worried about you."

I smile lightly as I answer: "I don't know I just felt unwell. But I'm much better now."

I straighten myself, since our training yesterday my shoulder hurts.

"Turn around"

I look to him questioning but I do what he just ordered. He slowly removes my top and starts to massage my back. I sigh and lean a little bit back. His bent legs lay at both of my sides, I'm sitting between his legs.

"Does that feel good?" Levi murmurs and I nod. The feeling of his hands on my naked upper body are stimulating me.

After a few minutes Levi stops and I turn around.

"It's your turn now" Levi demands as he takes off his shirt.

"Really?! I thought you were nice to me because I don't feel good."

"Nothings for granted, babe" he answers while laughing.

I roll with my eyes as I answer. "Lay down."

He does so and I sit down on his back, one bent leg at each side of his body. I massage his shoulders and upper arms. I start to acquire a liking for touching his back and I slowly stroke down his backbone with my finger. I don't get any reaction from him anymore and I call him by his name, no respond.

I smile about the fact that he just fell asleep on my bed while I'm massaging him.

"One moment, I'm just going to grab my jacket... Oh Arya what are you doing h..."

Suddenly one of my roommates comes in and sees me... straddling on Levi. I get up and quickly put a blanket over Levi so his naked upper body is covered.

"Did you guys just had sex in our room?!" she squeaks, her eyes are still on sleeping Levi.

Finally I also gotta say something: "God no! I just gave him a massage and he fell asleep as you may have noticed."

"Omg Arya", she yells quietly to not wake him up as she comes over to hug me, "we're gonna discuss this later."

She leaves the room as fast as she entered it and I'm alone with him again. I don't quite know what to do, I don't want to wake him up but I also don't want to leave him alone here. So I just grab a book and sit on my bed, both of my legs lay over his body.

About half an hour later all of my roommates come in. I put my book away and we started to talk about girl stuff sitting on Leila's bed. I had to answer many precise question about me and Levi and when it started to get too awkward I notice a movement in my bed. All four of us just stare over to my bed where Levi slowly comes back to reality.

After a few seconds he seems to recognize his surroundings again and remembers what happened. He lifts his head up and sees us all looking at him. I lift myself up from the bed and break the cringe silence as I grab his shirt and his shoes and pull him outside our room.

"What was that?" Levi asks me while he pulls over his shirt. I giggle and apologize for our behaviour.

"You're really weard but still so cute, you know that" he says to me as he kisses me. "What do you do to me."

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