first mission (1)

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It has been a month since Arya was announced as a member ot the survey corps. She and the other three new members had to do lots of training in this time. Like I already said I'm not properly going to follow the actions of the anime but I'm picking out some scenes that are important for the development of the different characters. There aren't any scenes with Arya and Levi in this chapter so I tried to shorten it a little bit;)

I'm getting waked by a loud and annoying noice. Still moaning I open my eyes and I'm looking right into Eren's face. I wince and he begins to laugh.

"Do I look so bad?" he says while he pulls away my blanket.

"Today is the great day. We are going to enter the titan area between Maria and Rose." he reminds me and stares outside the window.

"Are you afraid?" I ask him while I get up and put on my uniform that I got from the survey corps. It fits perfectly and I'm feeling very confident in it. But the best on it is the 3D maneuver. I love to swing through the sky and let everything from the ground behind...

"I don't know. Maybe I should be, but I have trust in myself and the survey corps."

"Yeah you're right."

I am really nervous the whole day and I spend most of the time with Eren. Erwin chose four of our trainee group to join the survey corps. Me, Eren, a friend of mine and another boy that I don't really know.

To get save through the titan area, we are going to start our mission at the evening. Most of the titans sleep at night, so we can save a lot of time by riding through the night.

At the late afternoon, the members of our mission are coming together to discuss the strategy.  The armored titan had appeared a few weeks ago and breaked a piece of the wall by running into it. So our aim is to protect Eren while he's carrying the huge stone back to the hole in the wall. By the time he seals it, the titans can no longer come in and we're just going to have to kill the ones that are at our side.

As soon as we reach the titan area we are going to switch to the 3D maneuver so we will be much faster while killing the titans that could bother Titan-Eren.

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