first mission (2)

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This is the second part of Arya's first mission. I tried to write this down in my own way so there may be some variations of the mission from the anime. Enjoy:) By the way: like you may already noticed, I love to end the chapter at a random point, where the action isn't really completed yet;)

"Now!" Levi screams and everyone swings themselfes in the air. It's early in the morning and we finally arrive the wall. This is the place, where the armored titan appeared a few weeks ago out of nowhere and smashed a big hole into the wall.

I'm feeling the adrenalin run in my veines as I fokus on the titan right in front of me. His big hand reaches out for me but I evade the attempt and cut two incisions into his neck. Smoke comes out of the wound as I swing myself onto a roof. There are still many titans left, but Eren might be able to transform himself already.

"Go in your formation!" our leader screams and I turn around to see the others. We practised this already before we started this mission. Our tactic to protect Eren by building a lane where he can walk through while we kill uninvited guests that could bother him. Normally he's sovereign of the normal titans but he isn't able to protect himself. The stone is blocking him.

My eyes look for Eren as my friend lands right next to me.

"He seems to be ready to transform. He got permission."

I nod and at the same moment a bright lightning appears in the air and I hear a loud roar. I have never seen him transforming to a titan but he seems to do it while biting into his own hand... Ouch!

The noise of Titan-Eren decoys even more titans, so he has to do his commission as fast as possible. After a few seconds there already appear a lot more specimens.

I swing myself into the air again to head for the nearest creature that I can see. What scares me the most about these things is this smile that covers nearly half of their face. Even when they are dying, they still smile into the nowhere while burning to death.

I need two attemps to kill it  but I still have the situation under control.

Eren is coming right towards us. He's not as fast as usual because he has a huge stone on his shoulder. I stop as he passes me between two houses and I can't get rid of the fact that he is in this huge titan-body.

A little later Eren reaches the wall and puts down the stone, right into the hole. Everyone is relieved that this mission was so easy to complete. We swing to our horses, but halfway a group of fife titans appears right in front of us. One of them is an unusual one that's moving faster than the others by jumping over the roofs. Nobody expected that because we are too distracted about our success. I manage to elude the group of titans but the two others couldn't...

I look back at my fellows as they crash into the titans. Everything happens in slow motion and there's only one thought im my head. "Save them. Save them!" Willing to implement this I turn around, but one the titan already reached out for my friend's leg and lets him fall down his throat. At the same time the unnormal titan catches the other and bites off his head.

A scream racked with pain comes out of my throat. Unable to move myself I still rush towards them. Another titan notices me and stretches his fingers for me. It already had me in his fist as someone wretches me away from it and presses me against his body. Tears are coming into my eyes and everything becomes indistinct.

I rudely land on a roof as I break together. Someone holds me in his arms and when I look up I see grey eyes that look down at me. 

"You couldn't do anything for them. You would have died too if I hadn't saved you." Levi murmurs.

His deep voice makes me calm down a little but my whole body is still shaking and tears are running down my face.

"You are bleeding, you should put on a bandage as soon as we reach the ground."

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