Chapter 19

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Everyone was so full that they joined the two beds together and all just lay down. They don't know how, but everyone was able to fit. Aubrey was cuddling into Yeosang. San and Wooyoung were also cuddling making it more spacious for everyone else.

They all ended up falling asleep so Aubrey went to take her makeup off in the bathroom. Yeosang awoke as she moved from his grasp. She went back and lay with Yeosang. "You are beautiful Aubrey" he whispered while stroking her face. She felt heat go to her cheeks and gave him a quick peck. The two then decided to sleep.

No one woke up till Hongjoong's alarm went of at 6:00am the next morning. Everyone groaned mumbling "turn it off Joong". It was the day they were flying to the next concert destination which was Paris, so they had to be up. The boys slowly started to get up but Aubrey was still fast asleep. "Wake up princess" Yeosang whispered.

San then came over and shouted "Aubrey wake up! Stop being lazy". This made Aubrey jump. The boys all laughed, as did Aubrey. Aubrey stood up and put her slippers on so she could go and get ready. "I'm going to get ready, I will see you all at 7:00" Aubrey murmured still not fully awake.

When Aubrey left, Wooyoung stated "did you guys see how perfect Aubrey's skin was. She is so pretty without makeup". Seonghwa then mumbled to himself "if only she thought the same". Wooyoung heard what Seonghwa said and asked what he meant. The other boys were now listening too.

"It's nothing, don't worry" he voiced.

Yeosang then said to Seonghwa that we should just tell them as it might help her if she hears compliments from others too. San nodded agreeing.

Seonghwa sighed "Aubrey seems to have low self esteem and confidence. She is very over sensitive if you haven't already noticed, she always tries to make us happy. She never puts out her opinions, she just goes which what we say. She hates not having makeup on around people because she feels like she is 'ugly' which is utter bullshit".

Seonghwa carried on "I am only telling you this to help her. She needs to be told she is beautiful, especially when she is not wearing makeup. We need to try to get her to give her opinions. We need her to feel loved. I know we all love and care for her like family but we need to make her realise that we do".

Ateez all listened to the oldest member, taking in every word he said. They all couldn't believe how she actually felt and they felt bad that they didn't notice.

The boys all agreed to make sure Aubrey feels loved more from now on. They wouldn't make it obvious that Seonghwa had told them but they would try they're best to help her.

They all went to their rooms to get ready for the flight. Wooyoung on the other hand went to Aubrey's room. He was curious of her skincare routine and he knew that if he didn't ask now he would forget later on.

He knocked on her door. "Just one minute" he heard from the other side of the door.

The door opened and he saw Aubrey. She looked down a bit so he couldn't see her face as much as before.

"I came to ask you a question" Wooyoung exclaimed. Aubrey nodded for him to go on. Wooyoung then asked "what is your skincare routine? Your skin is so clear and beautiful".

Aubrey looked up shocked. Wooyoung called her beautiful. That is the fourth time she has had someone say that to her in the space of a few days. "Do you really think so?" she whispered while her eyes lit up. Wooyoung smiled and nodded "yes Aubrey, you are beautiful".

Aubrey didn't know what to say. She is bad at replying to compliments as she isn't used to getting any. After a minute she regained focus. "Thank you" She squeaked. She then wrote her skincare routine down for Wooyoung and gave it to him.

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