Chapter 1

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Quick note before you start reading
The characters in this book are not the same as in real life so please don't think they are like this in real life. It is purely for the storyline. 

⚠️Warning ⚠️
Violence, swearing, sexual content, drugs and self harm


Aubrey's POV

Today is the day. It has slowly been creeping up on me. I finally get to see my idols live and best of all I'm going to meet them. Yes, I am going to see Ateez, which is honestly a dream come true.

I have been saving up so much money just for this day and finally it is happening. I have been waiting for a while since they have never had a tour in the UK and I have travelled about 2 hours to get here. I have decided to stay in a hotel for a few nights to make my stay more enjoyable.

I need to get prepared for the fan meet and concert so I start getting my clothes on (picture at the top) then do my hair and makeup. My hair is fairly straight and long but I still straighten it to get it just right. For my makeup I just apply some primer, foundation, mascara and also sort out my eyebrows. Once I have finished with my look, I put my converse on and get ready to leave.

I order a taxi and finish any last minute things that I need to do like doing the dishes and putting my tickets in my bag. I wouldn't want to forget them. I get a notification that my taxi has arrived so I lock my hotel room door, then go to the lift as I am on floor 9 and go straight down to the taxi.

I greet the taxi driver and ask him the usual questions such as "how's your day going?" "Have you been busy?" and all that. Then I start thinking about the meet and greet and all the things that could and could not happen. I start questioning myself on whether they will like me, how I look, if they would even bother to take a glance at me and all those types of questions that make you feel even more nervous than you already are. Wait it doesn't even matter. I will probably not meet them again any time soon. The taxi ride took about 15 minutes to get to the arena.

Before going to the meet and greet I decide to go and get brunch as I could hear my stomach rumbling and I didn't want that to happen when I see Ateez. I found a small cafe right next to the arena so I decided to go in there.

I ended up having a sausage cob (roll, bap, bun, sandwich, whatever you guys call it) with a cup of tea. I looked down my instagram page; which is full of Ateez videos, pictures and the occasional selfies of people I know and family while waiting for my food and drink.

When it finally arrived, I consumed my food and drink quite fast so I could get to the meet and greet quicker. When I was finally done I payed the waitress, gave her a tip and went towards the meet and greet place.

I finally make it to the meet and greet place which is directly opposite the arena. I see hundreds of girls queuing up outside. I get into the queue and wait patiently for the line to go down. I made a few new friends while waiting in the queue which was great because I had no one else to talk to.

20 minutes later I get my meet and greet ticket scanned and go to the meet and greet room.

After about 30 minutes of being in the room Ateez finally come in and sit down at their seats. They introduce themselves even though some of them struggle because of the language barrier but they still do an amazing job. They even speak to the other atiny's waiting in the line through a speaker while greeting the other fans.

Wooyoung was the cutest when he introduced himself and all atiny's went crazy over him as they did the other boys. I watch all of the other atiny's around me that are already at the table meeting the boys they love, thinking that it will be me soon. I am literally so excited and a nervous wreck.

Another 30 minutes later and I am right near the front of the queue where I will get to meet them. I can't even explain how many emotions I am feeling right now. Scared, shy, excited, happy and many other emotions.

It finally came to the point where I was next in line to meet them. First up was Mingi. He was literally glowing and his smile was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I walked up towards him feeling the nerves in my stomach. "Hello, what is your name?" he questioned me. "I'm Aubrey. Wow, your smile is even more beautiful in person". I blushed when I said that because it wasn't actually supposed to come out of my mouth. He laughed "ah cute" which he said in korean. My Korean is quite good from when I lived there for 4 years when I was 10. My dad got offered a job over there and it was good money so he then decided to take it which meant we had to move away from the UK.

We ended up moving back after the 4 years and I haven't been back since.

I really miss it there!

Mingi signed the t-shirt that I bought with me and I then went to the next person which was Yunho. He said hi and asked my name and and I answered in korean which he was very impressed with. This meant that we had a few good conversations about favourite songs and my bias which was San. After that, he signed my t-shirt and then it was time to move on.

The same happened with all of them until I got to the last person. It was San. I was so nervous to meet him. I mean who wouldn't be scared to meet their bias.

I slowly walked up to him and he lifted his head up to look at me. He did a double take and looked at me strangely and he then looked a bit confused. I don't understand why though. He then smiled slightly but it didn't seem to be a genuine smile. It seemed more forced. Is their something wrong with him? Is he upset? Do I look terrible?

He said "hi" then signed my shirt and asked how I was but he didn't say much else or ask me anything. I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't know whether it was because he was my bias and I was nervous about it or whether it was because he didn't seem comfortable with me so I just said thank you and left feeling a bit down now.

I then looked back and he was still looking at me but looked away quickly when he noticed I looked back at him. Maybe it was just because he couldn't speak much English and he thought I couldn't speak korean.

Soon after, I started walking off and went to find a coffee shop. I found one after 5 minutes of walking around and decided that this place was decent, cute and surprisingly quiet to say it is near the arena. I decided to get a double choc chip frappe and read my book in peace which was called 'The summer of impossible things'.

Wooyoung's POV
I was sat next to San for the fan meet. When one of our atiny's came by; he started acting really strange. I kept looking over to make sure that I wasn't just overreacting but he still was acting really tense.

I tried to ask him what it was about at the end and he muttered "it doesn't matter. It isn't something you need to worry about". I feel so bad for the girl though because she looked so confused and sad when he was being blunt with her and when she left.

"That girl looked really hurt by how you acted" I murmured while walking away: making sure he heard.

I am going to find out anyway so he should tell me sooner rather than later.
Hey everyone, thank you for choosing to read this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Please like and comment if you enjoy it!

P.S. I do not own any of the images I post unless I have said otherwise

Also, I need to edit the chapters as I have made a few mistakes so they may be a few slip ups.

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