Chapter 12

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The boys and Aubrey were on their way to Hyde park to walk around and sightsee. "San, how are you so good at English? I'm so jealous" Asked Wooyoung still not understanding how he was so good at English.

"I would know very little English, if it wasn't for Bree. She taught me everything and I taught her everything about Korean". San answered smiling towards Aubrey.

Aubrey then added "I don't know how I would have survived school in Korea if it wasn't for San".

After walking for about 5 minutes, they reached an entrance of Hyde park.

Yeosang pointed out how beautiful it was and the others nodded in agreement at a loss for words. Aubrey nodded but she knew that South Korea has places that are 10x prettier than here.

"I was wondering, do you two speak in English or Korean to each other?" Hongjoong asked both San and Aubrey.

They thought about it but Seonghwa replied for them saying "they use both. Do you know how annoying it is in the morning when they switch from language to language so that I can't understand what they are saying?"

Seonghwa gave them a playful glare letting the two know how annoying it is. However, he also thought it was really cool that they could have conversations using both languages. He wished he could do that!

"Can you do English learning lessons with us?" Yunho asked looking at both San and Aubrey. The other boys all looked and shouted "yes" "teach us" "I want to learn too".
Aubrey and San both agreed to help them all with their English at some point.

They all walked around and decided to sit on the grass after about 15 minutes. The grass was dry so no one was bothered about getting dirty.
The guys all lay down on the grass and Aubrey sat there picking daisies, to make a daisy chain. She loved making them when she was little and whenever she sees patches of them, she will still make them. Yes, it seems childish but she felt her worries wash away when she made them.

After a while Aubrey couldn't find anymore daisies near her so she stopped and placed it on the ground. Yeosang was lying down behind her so she decided to fall back slowly letting her head land on his stomach. He looked at what had landed on him but when he realised it was Aubrey he just smiled at her and lay back down.

Wooyoung sat up looking at San and said "has Jisoo messaged you recently"? The other boys looked up too waiting for San's reply. Yeosang was still lying down playing with Aubrey's hair but listening to the conversation going on.
Aubrey did the same minus playing with Yeosang's hair.

She wondered who Jisoo was.

San then spoke up "not really! We have messaged a few times since being in the uk but not since before the first concert".

"That's weird. She is always on your back normally". Wooyoung mumbled.

"Hmmm, I don't know! Maybe I should message her". San said.

Aubrey sat there confused. 'Who is Jisoo?' She thought. She wasn't really bothered but just wondered.

Aubrey broke out of her thoughts when she heard loud music coming out of a speaker. She looked over and there was a crowd of people. They were playing kpop! You know what that means? 'A RANDOM DANCE PLAY' she screamed in her head.

"Guys, there is a random dance play! Can I go join them?" She didn't think the boys would want to which is why she didn't say 'we' instead of 'I'.
"Let's all join in!" Yunho cheered.

They all ran over and decided to join! The boys spread out in the oval so they wouldn't be recognised so soon! The first song Aubrey danced too was EXO- Love shot. She had never done anything like this and it was so thrilling for her.

The next song came on and it was illusion by Ateez! The boys all stepped into the oval and started to dance. Once the fans started to realise it was Ateez, they cheered and screamed in excitement. Some girls were even crying.

It was such an amazing experience. They all danced to the rest of the songs too. At least one member knew the choreo to every song that came on and Aubrey knew lots too. When gotta go by Chungha came on, everyone cheered for Seonghwa, knowing he was the king of girl group dances. Aubrey also knew it and danced alongside him. The boys were impressed with Aubrey's dance skills. They knew she was good but they didn't realise she knew lots of dances.

After the random dance play finished, all the boys said goodbye. They then left and Aubrey walked ahead of them so it didn't look like they were together. It was ok before because people didn't notice Ateez but now they knew fans were around, they had to be cautious.

After they realised that no fans were following them anymore, they ran and caught up with Aubrey.

"Sorry we couldn't walk with you" Seonghwa mumbled to Aubrey feeling guilty. She replied saying that it's alright and she understands why they couldn't. Seonghwa nodded but still felt bad that she had to be on her own for so long.

However, Aubrey is used to it so it didn't bother her too much even though she started to get thoughts in her head about them leaving her, but they came before the thoughts got worse.

Aubrey has been getting negative thoughts in her head since she came back from Korea. She hasn't been close with anyone since. At school, she struggled to make friends as everyone already had their friendship groups so she didn't feel like she fitted in. Being the new girl again at the age of 14 was hard on her. If she had moved earlier, it may have been easier but she didn't want to move back in the first place.

"Hey guys, I just need to talk to Aubrey. We will catch up with you in a minute". Seonghwa shouted, knocking Aubrey out of her thoughts. She looked up realising she had stopped walking and all the boys other than Seonghwa were ahead of her.

The boys shouted back "ok" and "sure". Seonghwa got hold of Aubrey's hand and took her over to sit on a bench.

✔️Lost My Way - Kang Yeosang (ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now