Chapter Thirty Five

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Nawal's POV

I clean the last table then took a deep breath as I stares at the dinner room. To my surprised, a woman is still sitting down at one corner, I recognize her as one of our regular. She has been ripping a paper from the book in front of her for hours now.

I walk towards her, thinking what is kept her in the dinner this late.
"Hello..." I said with a polite smile. She raised her head and gaze at me then wave her hand as she moves a strand of hair behind.

"Am sorry...but we'll be closing now" I said as I took my gaze to the paper on the table.

I was surprise with what I saw, she was designing all along, it seems it is not coming that well, that's why she looks frustrated.

"I better get moving" She commented as she start parking her portfolio.

"Am Nawal" I said dragging a chair opposite her and sat down while offering her my hand. I don't know what compelled me to do that, I just did it.

She looks at me taken aback "Ohh..OK.." She stammered as she extend her hand and said "Am Irene"

"What do you say, I help you with this" I said pointing to the portfolio. It has been long I haven't sketch anything. Seeing her sketches just got me so excited.

She gaze at me looking uncomfortable, then she stares at the dinner as if waiting for someone to appear.

"Okayyy..." She said moving on her chair, as she move her hair to the back of her ears.

"Are you a designer" she asked.

I raised my head and give a grief smile before I took my eyes back to the book and said "Not really, I just design as a hubby". while going through the once she didn't rip out.

"What's the theme" I ask seeing that her design are for a particular occasions.

"Summer collection" She shrugs gesturing with her hand "Something bright, chic and light, you know".

"Yeah" I said smiling "Let me try and if you don't like it, you can easily rip it out".

She just smile as she fixed her eyes on what am doing.


Third Person POV.

"You have to try harder" Umma Magajiay roar at Farida.

They're inside her room discussing how to take down Nawal, Umma Magajiya is busy pacing up and down while Farida sat down on the edge of the bed observing her.

"But Umma we can just deal with her...." Farida started when Umma Magajiya cut her off by saying.

"Don't you understand Farida, she got the upper hand now, If that secret comes out that'll be the end of us" pointing at herself "Not just me, US".

"Is something wrong?" Farida asked, cause to her Umma Magajiya looks tired, worried and...defeated.

For someone that she knows throughout her life to be always in control, whatever situation she finds herself in she always turns it to her advantage.

But today, for some reason, Umma Magajiya looks defeated, which shakes Farida a little bit, If Umma Magajiya is checking her steps while dealing with Nawal, then who is she to think that she'll win against her.

Umma Magajiya sighed as she sat beside Farida. "You're the only one that has access to that place now, I don't know how you'll do it, but if you want to live with your husband happily and have that position that we all want, you have to get those papers".

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