Chapter Nine

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Dedicated to this amazing soul, my besty for life. Thank ko so much dear: ammassubyan

I stood in front of the main gate that'll take you to the palace. It's early Monday morning. Abba just drop me by, on his way to the market.

I look ahead staring at the building in front of me. Some part of me is nervous while the other part is excited. Just think about what lay ahead of me makes me a little bit nervous.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and whispers you can do this Nawal inside my head.

Opening them I took my very first step towards my bright future inshaAllah

I already got the heading on what my job is. The first thing to do is to check his schedule everyday to know all about his meeting so as to bring out an appropriate clothe for it.

According to Umma Magajiya he doesn't know how to appropriately dress for the day.

His main closet is in the door near his room where all his clothes are kept. All I have to do is pick them and putting it inside the wardrobe in his room, with the right accessories and an indication for the occasion to water the clothe.

Then if there is need for him to change, his secretary will contact me and I'll send his change of clothes to where he may need it.

My mind suddenly flash back to what transferred between me and Abba the other day. I fully expect him to tell me not to go, but my sweetest Dad just asked me if I wanted to do the job.

And I replied with a yes. With that he said he trusted me and I should take care of myself.

I smiled at the memory. Just thinking about it brought a wide smile on my face.

I heard a car horn from behind me. Without caring why the car or the owner is disturbing me, I just move a little from the road and continue walking.

But then the car suddenly stop in front of me. I hissed thinking who the hell is this....

My head couldn't process anything anymore when my eyes come in contact with his smiling face.

I didn't realize when I started smiling myself. This is a rear chance and am so lucky to be enable to witness it.

Adam doesn't normally smile, he has that type of a serious face person where as the prince always have a smile tug on his lips. "What the hell Nawal" a voice suddenly shouts inside my head. "Why are you comparing Adam with that jerk?". I slap myself mentally then went back to admiring Adam.

That's when I realize his mouth is moving which only means that he is saying something "Nawal focus" a voice whispers in my head while I mentally slap myself that's when I heard him said "Get in, we're going to the same place anyway".

Nodding my head I went to the passenger door, open it and sat down then close it back.

He started driving, giving me a quick glance he said "Since you'll be coming to work every morning, from now on, I'll go and pick you from your house, you don't have to bother".

"" I said too quickly "You don't have to I'll manage on my own".

It's amazing idea actually, I will love that, but I know definitely I will be damn nervous about it every morning , beside is not everyday he comes to the palace directly. They mostly meet at Emirate Group, then sometimes come back to the palace together.

I don't want to bother him with my problems, beside they will be paying me for the job and that include the transport fare. I turn and gaze at his side.

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