Chapter Twenty Three

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"Ready" he whispers out to me as we stood in front of the magnificent hall.

I took my gaze to the front door then back at him, inhaling a deep breath "Guess so" I whispers back, afraid of what about find out behind the door.

He give me a reassuring smile then hell his arms out for me.

I frown my face and said "We're still not married".

"Yet" he whispers near my ears with a mischievous grin on his face.

My face stretch to a smile as shook my head. Then we strode to the door together.

The double door where open by the two guards standing before it.

As soon as my foot step inside the hall, the whole place became quiet as their gazes where fixed on us with the camera's flashing from every conner.

For the record I did not see that coming. I froze on dead on my track while staring at them with a black expression. When Mami was telling me about the birthday thing, I didn't imagine it as a big event, all my thought is just a small gathering with few people and especially when she said just family and few friends. Never in my wildest imagination did I imagine it this big and fancy. Which means there is no way in hell I will be able to just walk there with a smile as she said am supposed to do.

I quickly turn to leave but as if he had read my mind he swiftly pulled me in place and smile down at me while pretending to adjust my veil. "What are you doing" he whispers with a wide smile on his face.

"This is too much" I said with a worried expression on my face while gesturing inside the hall.

"I thought is just small gathering with family and friends, that's why I agree to attend..."

"Trust me" he said while holding my hand.

"But..." I tried to complain.

"No but just smile and follow my lead..." He trails as he shook his head. "Alright?".

I stares at his compelling eyes which I can't say no to.

I nods my head as we both turn to face the camera but too aware of the warm hand that is holding mine and sending electric shock throughout my body.

"Smile" I heard his voice again in my ears.

My face stretch to a smile as we both gaze at the camera.

After we snaps a couple of pictures with a smile on our face's we stroll inside the hall still smiling. I saw him waving at some people.

Out of no where, a woman hugged him while saying "Oh My God, I can't believe this"

They let go of each other with a wide smile on their faces "I can't believe this It's four years"

"Five" he answers her nodding his head.

I gaze at her in dismay while thinking who could she be? From head to toe her everything shouts rich, plus the way she carried herself, you just know she most be someone important.

I watch as she ran her hand on his small bread. "I still can not believe this, your getting married". She whisper lovely.

I pout in annoyance, whoever she is, I think they're been two friendly right now. And doesn't she not see me at all or is she just pretending.

He quickly remove her hand, getting a bit uncomfortable if you ask me. He gave me a quick glance then took his gaze back to the woman and continue with "Come on Rukayya people are watching".

Becoming RoyalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora