Chapter Four

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"CRAB" I whisper out loud while slowly letting go of the handle of the door as I start moving backward staring at the face that's staring right back at me

"Am I dreaming?" I whispered in my head "Or this jerk is really standing in front of me?".

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihimraji'un" That's what came out of my mouth out loud when I felt a sharp string on my leg. I close my eyes waiting to hear the sound of me falling. One...two...three... Seconds passed but stead of me feeling the cold shiver of tilted floor, I felt something warm around my two shoulders which is definitely stopping me from hitting the floor.

That's when my eyes jump out of their sockets and my mouth form a wordless "O" as I stares at him in shock. He was holding me in his arms just like how you normally see in movies.

He blink his perfect brown eyes as his mouth curve to a smirk. Just like the other day he look so handsome like a prince that came out from a fairytale. He has a fair skin I realized, not very fair just average. His pointed nose, his....

"Nawal?" Adam's voice rang inside my head, that's when I came back to my senses.

Immediately I push him and stood straight embarrassed. Am grateful to Umma's big veil that I took if not am just wearing a simple straight atampa gown, and am sure the veil would have removed by now.

I turned to look at Farida and a shocking gasps escape my lips realizing what she is wearing.

The hallway they came from was actually a bit dark which maybe the reason I didn't see clearly when they came out.

Standing there in a very tin material that looks just like sleeping dress. It is a sleeping dress. A voice shouted inside my head. "Lingerie." Another voice added.

I became totally speechless, terrified out of my mind. Not believing what my eyes where seeing.

I looked at the both of them disgusted. Where they doing what I think they're doing? As my mind made a mental image which made he feel neusia raising from my stomach.

Well figures. Why he always seems to love holding women, this is my second time meeting him but he has even hold me in his arms.

Turning to Adam, I manage to clear my voice with my whole body shaking, stretching my face to a fake smile "I've put it where you said, now if you'll excuse me".

I took a step when I felt glued on my spot. Rolling my eyes I whispered "man not again".

Glancing at my side, I scoff in amazement at the hand me, I raised my head, annoyed as hell as I gaze at his face "I see you still haven't learnt your lesson" I mumbles given him a deadly glare.

"I was right" he said smiling, the first time that I actually see him smiling, Not a smirk just smile. And man, he looks beautiful wearing that smile that my heart almost skip a beat. Almost.

A voice mentality shout "You are supposed to be angry"

I regain my composure immediately then frown my face and said "Let go of me jerk" while trying to free my hand.

Both Adam and the jerk turn and  look at each other then back at me.

"Jerk?"  Adam asked raising both his eye brows with a neutral expression.

"Why is Adam looking at me like that? What those he think of me" I asked myself looking at him.

"She is the girl from the bakery" he said to Adam while going back to look at me his voice full of surprise.

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