Chapter one

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I stood in the middle of the bakery thinking which cake to choose. Mami said that he likes chocolate cake, but they don't have it here, only red velvet and vanilla sponge cake.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, How can I guy like sweet things like chocolate cake? Don't they normally loves things bitter, like black strong coffee? I smile at myself for the thought, cause that is what I normally read in novels.

I hissed as I look at the cake one more time. I was supposed to bake the cake for the mysterious Fahad that loves chocolate cake so much, but I was so engross in my designs that I forgot completely and now is too late for me to bake and frost it, that's why I decided to come here and buy it for him.

Deciding on the one with chocolate and vanilla frosting, I open the fridge as I extend my hand to take it, but another hand beats me, push me a little which made me to almost lose my balance. I watch as the hand land on the cake

"Hey that's my cake" I said as I regain my balance but then I felt a sharp string on my forehead "Oouuch" we said in unison.

Enraged, I rub the place using my hand. I raised my head to deal with whoever it is, but then my eyes land on the most amazing brown eyes that I've ever seen.

I open my mouth to talk but no words came out of it, I watch as he blink his eyes that's when I notice his long eyelashes, he is handsome not bad. I whisper in my head. Sharp jaw line, pointed nose, big eyes with long eyelashes. I was drooling over him that I almost didn't notice when he walked pass me, giving me the most striking smile. I smile right back at him as I watched him walked away

"He is handsome" I whisper to myself smiling foolishly as i start walking to the other direction, but then it strikes me, terrified i turn around
"My cake" I gesture towards him with my hand and start running after him

He was half way to the counter when I meet him, I quickly stopped in front of him to block him from reaching the counter.

Panting, I bent down a little to catch my breathe. I raise my head to look at him, he looks transfixed. I rose on my full height realizing how tall he is, I bet he is up to 6'2 or so compare to my 5'3.

Nawal focus! a voice suddenly yell in my head, I close my eyes and took a deep breath then opened them, that's what I normally do to help me concentrate.
Looking at him "my cake" i said pointing to the cake he is holding

"What?" he asked looking at me with an bored expression

Focusing my eyes on the cake "Am sorry M..M..Mr" i said stuttering "but this cake is mine" pointing to the cake

He was looked at me thoroughly, his eyes clearly showing annoyance.

A cocky smirk rose to his face which made me to squirm while swallowing a huge lump on my throat.

He has this dangerous aura that radiate around him which makes me questions my decision.

"Are you delusional..." His voice rang inside my head which almost made me open my mouth in amazement. Contrary to his face that looks like he can murder me any second, his voice sounded kinda sweet.

A pathetic scoff escape him lips which finally brought me out of my day dream. A roll my eyes and couldn't believe he just caught me staring at him.

"If you wanted my number you could say so instead of wasting my time here." He blurt out with such arrogance that I immediately felt disgusted by him.

"Look Mr...Do you think you're all that just because you're handsome, rich and wear some nice clothe..."

"There you have it." He interrupt me for the first time with a smile which I couldn't get is for what. "But I am sorry...." He continue proudly shrugging his shoulders.

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