CHAPTER 2 : The beginning of a friendship? (EDITED 05/22)

Start from the beginning

"How was your day?" Taealha asked, looking at Saya.

"Well, as usual, Lady Taealha," he replied before he heard a small muffled laugh and they all looked at the woman behind Taealha.

"Ah I am sorry," Enoria fakely apologized, "but does he seriously call you 'Lady' or is that just to entertain me? I mean, aren't Tagon and you playing mommy and daddy with him? Even though, thinking about it, that would be weird if he were to call you mom since you are just a few years older than him."

"Keep that mouth of yours shut!" Taealha scolded.

"Or else what?" Enoria mocked, "you are going to lock me in a tower for years?"

Taealha just took a deep breath and tried to keep herself calm, she wouldn't go down to her level and she looked at Saya who couldn't hide his confusion about the situation. "This is Enoria, she is going to stay in that house for what I hope would be a short moment."

"Don't count on that Taealha, I am going to stick here for a while," Enoria joked.

"It's "my Lady"!" Taealha raised her voice as she had quickly turned. 

She was about to slap Enoria's face to teach her manners but the Igutu had caught her wrist to prevent her from doing that. Her eyes were glowing purple, surprising the three people in the room even though one of them already knew about what she was. "I highly recommend you not to do that knowing I can break your wrist as easily as you would break a wooden stick," she threatened with gritted teeth.

"Then behave yourself!"

"Then stop trying to make me do things I don't want to do," she simply said before she released Taealha's wrist. Her eyes went back to their dark color then she turned to Saya, "as you just saw tower boy, I am an Igutu too, surprise."

An Igutu just liked him. It wasn't the first time Saya was seeing another person with purple blood but it was the first time he was seeing a woman one. "What is the meaning of all of this?" he asked, looking at Taealha.

"You won't have to hide what you are from her, she already knows about you, consider her as a special guest, it's Tagon's decision, I will give you the details later," Taealha explained before she left.

Enoria took a deep breath as she watched Taealha go, then she turned again to Saya, "show me a room I can use, tower boy."


As she had asked, Saya had shown Enoria one of the empty rooms of the house. 

She had looked around, surprised she was given such a nice place to stay while Saya was trying to find a way to start a conversation. "Where do you come from?" he had finally dared to ask.

"Somewhere in the forest," Enoria simply answered without even looking at him, "don't even try to question me boy, I won't tell you any details."

"I wasn't tr-"

"Don't waste your time or mine, just go back to your stuffs and pretend I am not here, it's better for everyone."

Saya was about to reply something but he stayed quiet, he just nodded and he left Enoria discovering the room she had given.

Tanya hadn't followed Saya, she stayed still at the entrance of the room, examining their new housemate.

"Tanya, isn't it?" Enoria asked as she hadn't raised her eyes from the book she was looking at.

"Eh?" Tanya asked, surprised, "ah, yes, I am Tanya, nice to meet you."

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