Until the End

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All your forces stood on one side, ready to attack. On the other side, stands Zagreus with his army of demons. He smirked and launched himself at you. In a flash, his smiling face appeared in front of you giving you no time to react.

"Boo." he said before giving you an uppercut that made you flew upwards.

"(Y/n)!" Elsa shouted.

"No time Elsa! Here they come!" Rem spoke beside her with her morningstar on the ready.

The army of demons approached them fast and a new battle proceeds. Both army clashed with each other with more vigorous strikes. Elsa had a harder time because she had to keep her people from dying.

Zagreus jumped up towards you. In just a second you've come face to face with him again.

"Show me your powers (Y/n). Is this all you are?" he mocked you.

You built up the magic in you and released a ball of blue flame towards him carrying him away from you. You're starting to fall.

"Ouch ouch ouch. That was hot!" Zagreus said while waving his hands. "But I've got something hotter!"

He balled his hands together and black flames formed. He then threw it at you making ypur descent go faster.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" you screamed.

Below, a big white thing jumped and caught you. You exhaled and looked at it.

"Marshmallow!" you exclaimed and hugged the giant snowman.

He did the same and put you down. Then roared at the incoming enemy and tackled it.

"Marshmallow?" you heard Elsa. "Why didn't I think of that before."

She waved her hands and summoned lots of giant snowmen to fight for her. They all roared simultaneously and ran for the enemy to attack them.

"Look out!"

Rem leapt in front of you and swing her flail once. Then she threw it at a demon that was trying to attack you.

"Thanks Rem." you said.

"This is no time to be distracted master! Please get it together!" she said and ran off again.

"Right. Now where is that bastard."

"Right here." Zagreus spoke behind you.

He attacked you and the two of you engaged in a hand to hand combat. You were strong but Zagreus was much stronger than you.

"Is that all you got?" He mocked you again.

"Don't be too cocky. Unlike you, I was trapped without magic since I was a kid. I had no time to practice but I'm still holding up to you. What could that possibly mean?" you smirked at him.

"Tsk." he kicked you in the stomach and you stumbled. "You're still nothing to me."

"Playing dirty now?" you smirked.

"Oh you have no idea what playing dirty is." he said.

He raised his hands away from you and towards the people fighting on Elsa's side.

"No! Elsa! Watch out!" you screamed.

Elsa heard you and saw Zagreus hands was filling with black flames. He released it and hellfire travelled towards them.

"Get back! Get back!" Elsa shouted.

The people stepped away from the demons to Elsa's back. She made an ice barrier that scaled wall to wall to protect her people.

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