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It's been days since you stayed in the enchanted forest. You noticed Elsa has been distant from you. You mostly hang around Honeymaren. She taught you a lot about reindeers and the Northuldra people.

"Thanks for everything Honeymaren," you told her.

"Where is this coming from suddenly?" she said, chuckling.

"It's just that you've been so kind to me despite not knowing much about me. Where I came from, everyone is an enemy."

Honeymaren grinned at you. "No problem. You don't seem the bad guy to me, even though you told us otherwise. I would be friends with you as long as you don't betray us."

You smiled at her too. "Friends huh... That's nice."


Elsa walked around the wilderness and came to the beach where she first found you. What she saw made her gasp. There was a vessel moored and what seemed like pirates were getting off of it. On the front of the ship, a woman stood giving out orders. She has braided greenish-blue hair and tanned skin.

A few minutes later, other people got off the ship.
Two girls and two boys who do not look piratey at all and the other two pirates following them. Elsa pondered on what to do. She braced herself and decided to face the unfamiliar visitors.

Elsa sprinted and confronted them. "Who are you? What do you want here?" Elsa asked them with a serious expression.

Everyone looked at her. The pirates braced their swords. Their leader raised her hand, stopping them. A dark blue-haired woman stepped closer and talked.

"We are just looking for our friend. We don't mean you any harm," she said.

"Right. What she said." The purple-haired one chirped in.

"Who is it you're looking for? How did you know this place? Why do you think whoever you're looking for is here?" Elsa asked them, thinking about you.

"Uhm.. we're from Auradon. I'm Mal, this is Evie" she pointed at the blue-haired one.

"That's Uma" The pirates' leader.

"And Jay, Carlos, Gil, and Harry." The others just waved or nodded.

"We have a magic mirror which told us she was here. It showed us the way." Mal explained looking at Evie. The other girl just nodded her approval. "We know she's here. If you could help us, please, we'd appreciate it. Her name's (y/n). She has (h/c) hair. Uhm ..about (y/h) tall."

Elsa doubted them.

"How do I know you're really friends?" she inquired.

Mal and Evie glanced at each other with skepticism. Mal answered her. "I'm her sister."


Later at the village.

"(y/n). We need to talk." Elsa called out to you. She peeked beside you at Honeymaren, then added, "Alone."

"What's wrong? Am I in trouble? Did I do something?"

"Just come!"

You followed her through the forest. Elsa was not uttering a word. She stopped and looked back at you, resentment rising through her.

"Tell me the truth! Everything!" she exclaimed.

You were stunned by her outburst and were unable to speak.

"Tell me why you ran home." She stared at you pleadingly. "Tell me who you are!"

"Elsa..... What is this?" You asked her.

"Hey (y/n)," Mal spoke leaning against a tree with her hands crossed against her chest.

You were alarmed to see her. "What are you doing here!? What the hell is this, Mal!?" You were getting upset.

Evie showed up and saw you.

"(y/n)!" she exclaimed.

She sprinted to you and squeezed you tight.

"Oh, I missed you so much! We're so worried!" She looked at you and saw your infuriated expression. She backed up slowly, a bit afraid. "Let's all just calm down here alright."

She looked at Mal whose eyes are already glowing dangerously green.

"We all came here to find you, and this is what we get? Thanks, hun." Mal croaked. You and she circled each other, faces full of bitterness. "I thought we were okay! We even decided you'd stay with me!"

"How could we be? After all you've done to me!? Do you really expect me to stay with you in Auradon!? You want me to be with you even if it means making me suffer seeing you and that beast make out and be all yuckily lovey-dovey!? Mal, wake up! I'm not your little slave anymore! I'm finally beginning to feel happy here, and then you'll just appear and destroy everything again!?"

"It's not like that (y/n)! You know I loved you!"

"Exactly! You loved me at the isle! But when you all left for Auradon, you completely forgot about me! You left me there to rot while you all live your fairytale life! You didn't even say goodbye to me!"

"(y/n), I'm sorry." Evie cut in.

"Shut up E! I thought you were my friend!"

You're on the verge of crying by then. Your eyes flickered blue then back to your normal eye color every time you blink.

"You're being a bit unfair to us! We all freed you in the end! And somehow you betrayed us too when you almost destroyed Auradon! But we gave you another chance and I thought you'd stay for good!" Mal shouted.

Elsa, getting mad herself.. shoot out ice to both you and Mal.. pinning you two in a tree.

"Will you please be quiet!" she shouted.

This made you stop speaking. Your eyes went wide with surprise at the ice spirit.

"You're giving me a headache. Can we talk about this calmly?" She looked at one and the other raising one of her eyebrows. The pair of you just nodded, stunned, and she melted the ice that held you.

Elsa stomped her feet and an ice cabin popped up.

"Let's talk inside," she said and went in.

You all obeyed her silently with you exchanging some dirty glances with Mal along the way.


Here cooooomes trroooouuuble.

I know the timelines of frozen and descendants clash but bear with me and pretend it's not. LOL

We are Found ( Elsa x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now